为了实现这一目标,法兰克福展览集团将在今年下半年优化集团架构并加强规划。今年10月,法兰克福书展将在完备的安全和卫生保护措施下在公司总部所在地法兰克福展览中心举办。紧接着会举办法兰克福国际精密成型及3D打印制造展览会和法兰克福国际智能交通运输及数字基础设施展览会 。汉堡国际日用消费品博览会将在9月份在漢堡举办,而纽伦堡工业自动化及元器件展则将于11月在纽伦堡举办。
Messe Frankfurt aims to reach 2019 sales levels again by 2023
Messe Frankfurt is looking optimistically into the future. "By 2023, we want to reach the same level of sales as we did in financial year 2019", Messe Frankfurt president and CEO Wolfgang Marzin emphasised at the company’s press conference. (In 2019, Messe Frankfurt set records with group sales of 736 million euros according to the final company figures.)
To achieve this, Messe Frankfurt aims to resume its trade fair operations using a well-structured, planned approach in the second half of the year. With an extensive protection and hygiene concept, the Frankfurt Book Fair in October will be kicking things off at Messe Frankfurt’s Frankfurt base, followed by Formnext and Hypermotion.
7月28日,美国展览业研究中心(CEIR)发布了一份新的行业报告:《解码展会赞助机会》。该报告由行业专家Dax Callner撰写。他在为宝洁、Facebook、通用电气等一些世界领先品牌定制营销方案方面拥有20多年的经验。
CEIR Releases New Industry Insight Series Report Decoding Trade Show Sponsorship Opportunities
On 28 July, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research(CEIR) has published a new Industry Insight Series report, Decoding Trade Show Sponsorship Opportunities.
This six-page report covers content relating to: On-site sponsorship assets to consider, Criteria to assure one is investing in the right shows in the first-place and more.
German organisers power up for 2021 programme with China No.1 target market
German exhibition organisers are planning around 360 foreign tradefairs in 40 countries next year, according to a survey conducted by AUMA –the Association of the German Tradefair Industry – among its members and members of the Special Association for Fairs and Exhibitions(FAMA).For 2020, the AUMA statistics note 375 foreign tradefairs were originally registered; due to the corona pandemic, 107 of those tradefairs were rescheduled and 49 were cancelled.