A Study of the Influence of Teachers' Written Feedback on Mongolian College Students’ English W

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  I. Introduction
  Teachers' written feedback is an important link and role in the process of college students' writing and plays an important role in improving students' writing ability and level. Some researchers point out that feedback does not reduce learners' language errors, the reason is that students need long-term language input and language output activities to internalize language and grammar rules .
  The others researchers point out that students hope that the teacher's written feedback will not only point out the problem of language use , but also it will provide comments and suggestions on the content of the composition. In order to improve the effectiveness of the written feedback of Mongolian college students' English writing teachers, this paper investigates the influence of teacher feedback on Mongolian college students' English writing.
  Ⅱ. Research Design
  In this paper, English major Mongolian sophomore students are investigated by questionnaire and interview. In the course of investigation, students' writing materials were collected and all the writings revised and evaluated by teachers.
  Ⅲ. Interpretation of Result
  Through the investigation of the present situation of the teachers' written feedback in the writing teaching of Mongolian sophomore students, the following problems are found:The attitude of students towards English writing is not optimistic.
  Both students and teachers are aware of the importance and significance of feedback in writing, and affirm that students' compositions need to be revised. But in the students' actual composition feedback found that the fact is not. In fact, more than half of the teachers have only made detailed corrections to one or two of these compositions, and the rest have written a date or a simple grade. Even if there are comments, they are also concise and general.
  Most students like the teacher to help them correct the mistakes in their compositions, that is, direct feedback, because they are afraid that they can't correct their mistakes or correct them, but most students still do not object to indirect feedback. This motivates them to find out for themselves and develop a good habit of self-evaluation.
  In writing teaching, teachers are supposed to regard the teachers’ feedback as an intermediate link instead of a final link. In the process of teaching writing, teachers generally give feedback before or after writing. And according to the function of feedback in the whole writing, teachers are expected to give feedback to students in the whole process of writing.   When the students start writing, teachers usually save time to guide students to write. Research has shown that feedback can be given at any time while writing. When writers write, feedback can help solve some of the problems in their minds, and corrective feedback can encourage them to reassess their choices in the process of writing.In the process of students' writing, teachers should take an active part in it and provide guidance feedback to students in time, instead of taking the student's first draft as a final draft and making a one-off arbitrary judgment.When given a topic, the teacher may ask the students to give a brief introduction to what is to be written, either orally or in writing, and give them some guidance on this basis. If this is done after class, teachers can organize a small meeting or summon some students to the office for individual guidance. During this period, teachers can point out the key mistakes in their writing and give suggestions. For teachers, it is not necessary to correct these mistakes completely. They can point out the main mistakes that students should pay attention to in their writing. If time permits, teachers can give students detailed feedback on the content of their compositions and the use of their language.
  Ⅳ. Conclusion
  The conclusions of this study are as follows:
  Because of the Mongolian college students' attitude towards English writing, they can not seriously modify the composition, and teachers' feedback has little effect on the composition revision. More than a fifth of students like to ask their classmates or students to correct each other.Due to the heavy workload of teachers, it is a good way for teachers to supervise, guide and coordinate with each other in composition evaluation lectures. This can not only urge students to revise composition, but also reduce the burden on teachers.
  Teachers should be well prepared before teaching, to list the overall strengths and weaknesses of students' compositions.Nearly a third of the students are used to referring to the model text to modify the composition, so teachers should prepare several model articles for the students to revise against their own composition. The model text can be ready-made, or it can be an excellent work of the students. Teachers need to give more positive feedback to students' English writing feedback in order to stimulate students' English learning motivation. In the process of writing feedback, teachers should set up the idea of developmental evaluation, insist on the diversity of evaluation, and avoid pointing out students' mistakes or giving only scores.
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摘 要:园林达到意境美,是园林美的最高境界,而植物作为造园所不可或缺的景观元素,在意境美的营造上,也有至关重要的地位。本文概述了植物造景方面,对植物的造景布局进行赏析。  关键词:中国园林;植物;意境;美学  1.植物造景浅  所谓植物造景,实际就是用草皮,花卉,藤本及乔灌木等植物作为材料,经设计选材与艺术设置,发挥植被自身特征与园林景观,地势搭配进行园林设计。针对园林景观而言,其中包含3种类型,
摘 要:二胡作为我国民间乐器的一种,有很好的群众基础,但纳入高校教育的时间并不长,所以教学中存在很多问题,教学方法,教学理论单一,导致学生在学习中兴趣不足,本文介绍了二胡教学中存在的问题,并提出了对应的策略。  关键词:教学技巧;二胡教学;策略;问题  二胡是我国民族乐器的代表之一,从唐朝至今已有一千多年的历史,最早二胡被称为“奚琴”,直至近代才更名为二胡,如今,二胡的演奏手法已经非常成熟,经过刘
摘 要:德育是实施素质教育的重要组成部分。它贯穿于教育教学的全过程和学生日常生活的各个方面。教育不仅要抓好智育,更要重视德育,使诸方面教育相互渗透、协调发展,促进学生的全面发展和健康成长。因此,辅导员在工作中,要注意角色的转换,运用各种活动形式,进行德育教育,不断提高素质,弘扬学生的主体性,让学生学做小主人。  关键词:少先队;活动;意义;工作策略  少先队活动是少先队组织赖以生存和发展的生命源泉
摘 要:博物馆陈列展览艺术设计可提升博物馆藏品摆设的艺术性,能够彰显出文物的文化性,为观赏者构建和谐的精神氛围。在经济全球化发展背景下,人们对文化的认知需求也在不断加剧,更加注重精神享受的追求。本文首先从博物馆陈列展览艺术设计中文化创新的意义入手,同时阐述了文化创新基础上的博物馆陈列展览艺术设计策略,最后总结了全文。  关键词:文化创新;博物馆陈列;展览艺术;创新意义;设计  随着人们对认知需求的
摘 要:实践教学有利于培养学生的专业实践能力,对于环境艺术设计这一实践性很强的专业来说,进行实践教学改革有利于体现环境艺术设计的特色与专业方向,是环境艺术设计专业的支撑点和平衡点。本文主要分析了在当前的环境艺术设计专业的教学过程中出现的主要问题,以及说明了当前实践教学改革的重要性,最后提出了一些相关的建议和意见,以促进独立学院环境艺术设计专业实践教学改革的进一步深入。  关键词:独立学院;环境艺术
摘 要:如今地域特色的美食的美味令人垂涎欲滴,刺激着广大消费者,因此也占据着消费市场的一大部分。而置身于美食类博物馆,可以让更注重追求精神文化满足的现代消费者现场参观,体验美食的加工过程,了解美食文化的发展历程,拓展了吃货们的文化视野,激发消费热情,刺激相关产业链的发展。而展示设计在博物馆设计中也起着至关重要的作用,因此,美食类博物馆的展示设计也显得尤为重要。文章对美食类博物馆展示设计进行了归纳总
摘 要:现代社会对两性角色的分工和认识长期存在标签化现象,本文分析了性别刻板印象对个体性格养成阶段、学龄教育阶段、职业发展阶段可能带来的消极影响,同时探讨了性别刻板印象在当代社会的表现形式及其所面临的冲击。  关键词:刻板印象;性别差异;职场歧视;自我认识  一.刻板印象的定义  日常生活中,人们总是下意识地将一个社会群体标签化。从性别上看,女性是温柔的,男性是刚强的。从地域上看,上海人精明,四川
摘 要:在当前工艺美术发展中,其得到了较快的发展,有效满足了人们的需求。为了实现其进一步发展, 要求应用创新思维,本文对此进行了详细的论述,力求不断推进工艺美术设计质量的提升。  关键词:工艺美术;设计;创新  引言  工艺美术是指通过特殊的技艺以及材料进行设计创造,构建一个人工建筑造型。这一技艺文化的诞生为的是满足人们日益增长的物质需求以及精神需求。工艺美术在中国的发展史有很长,其特点带有强烈的
摘 要:在文化创意产业中,旅游产品有着至关重要的作用,传承着当地的地域文化。湖湘文化是当地旅游文化创意产品的生命力。基于湖湘文化创新旅游文化创意产品,对于打造优秀的湖湘文化品牌形象有着广泛而深远的意义。本文围绕这个主题展开分析,意在为推广新颖的湖湘文化品牌形象献出微薄之力。  关键词:湖湘文化;现代旅游文化创意产品;设计  一、前言  目前,我国正处于树立文化自信的关键阶段,党的十九大明确指出我国
摘 要:工艺美术在文化的传承中包含了精神文化和物质文化。工艺美术是美学和生活的结合,是艺术和科学的产儿,和人民生活紧密相连,他通过衣食住行等生活各方面服务于人民。从工艺没书的种类分,可分为生活日用品和装饰欣赏两大类。前者如画布、陶瓷、家具等,后者如牙雕、玉器、景泰蓝等。工艺美术反映着时代的思想,有直接体现社会的生活方式,我国公益美术师历代劳动人民、匠师、艺人的伟大创造和智慧结晶,种类繁多技艺精湛,