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随着北京是政治中心、文化中心、科技创新中心、国际交往中心的城市功能定位的提出,明确了首都的核心功能,意味着未来北京要更多的向高端化、服务化方向发展,急需一大批既懂技术又懂外语的国际型护理人才。加之,京津冀一体化发展的战略要求以及老龄化时代的到来,也向我们提出了巨大的挑战。在这种背景下,能给我院的办学带来哪些机遇呢?新形势下,我们如何尽快调整办学思路和专业布局,适应社会发展?本文从六个方面提出了应对之策:放开招生性别限制,招收男护生。与本科院校合作,举办护理本科教育。恢复涉外护理专业,增加学生就业渠道。开展中外合作办学,提升学生的发展空间。配合京津冀一体化发展,打开地域限制招生。适时开设老年护理专业,迎接老龄化时代的到来。 As Beijing is the city’s functional orientation of political center, cultural center, science and technology innovation center and international exchange center, Beijing clearly defines the core functions of the capital, which means that in the future, Beijing needs to develop more in the direction of high-end and service. A large number of international nursing talents who know both technical and foreign languages. In addition, the strategic requirements for the integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Jiya and the advent of an aging era have also posed enormous challenges to us. Under this background, what opportunities can we bring to our school? In the new situation, how can we adjust the school’s thinking and professional layout as soon as possible so as to adapt to the social development? This paper puts forward the countermeasures from six aspects: Sex restrictions, recruit male nursing students. Cooperation with undergraduate colleges and universities to hold nursing undergraduate education. Resume foreign nursing specialty and increase student employment channels. To carry out Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools to enhance students’ space for development. With the integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, open regional restrictions on enrollment. Timely set up the elderly nursing profession, to meet the arrival of the aging era.
【摘要】我国城市化进程加快,城市的道路建设成为城市建设的重要组成。在实际工作中,很多的城市道路经常出现积水现象,排水管理存在缺陷,给道路的健康运行带来了很大的麻烦。市政道路工程排水管理能力是检验城市运行状况的重要指标,本文探讨了如何加强市政道路工程排水管理,科学有效的提高市政道路工程排水的质量。  【关键词】市政道路;工程排水;管理分析  1.市政道路工程排水构成  1.1雨水井市政道路排水管理中