新的一年,对于每一个创业者来说,将迎来创业致富的新机遇。可创业资金哪里来?人们首先想到的,一般都是拿出全部积蓄,或向亲友借款、向银行抵押贷款。那么,自己的积蓄不够怎么办?亲友没有余钱怎么办?向银行贷款没有抵押物品怎么办?是不是就没有办法筹到创业资金了?其实,只要你广开思路,是可以找到许多更有效更合算的筹资办法的。 申请免担保创业信贷 周光超前年大学毕业后回到老家上海,一直没找到称心的工作,看到自己居住的小区内有一家小型超市生产非常红火。他想:不如开个超市自己干,但一打听,办个小超市投资起码
The new year will bring new opportunities for entrepreneurs to become rich. Where can start-up capital come from? The first thing that people think of is usually to take out all savings, or borrow money from relatives and friends, and mortgage loans from banks. Well, how can we manage our own savings? If friends and relatives don’t have any money, what should I do? If I don’t have any collateral to bank loans, what can I do? Isn’t there no way to raise venture capital? In fact, as long as you open your mind, you can find many more effective ones. More cost-effective financing methods. Applying for Free Business Startup Credit Zhou Guangchao returned to his hometown Shanghai after graduating from the previous year and has never found a satisfactory job. He saw a small supermarket in the community he lived in was very prosperous. He thought: It’s better to open a supermarket to do it, but after asking, we must invest in a small supermarket.