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  The ex-Japanese prime minister had a treat
  On August 11, 2011, Tsutomu Hata, the former Japanese prime minister in his seventy boarded Bombardier 60 and arrived at Beijing Capital Airport, supported by a relative of his. He suffered from early-stage Parkinson’s and other old-age diseases and didn’t expect to get much better during the trip.
  Tsutomu Hata was one of Zhai Jiahua’s patients and the private-jet trip was nothing out of ordinary. But it caused a minor sensation in the Japanese politics and business community. Tsutomu Hata was treated a grand departure at the Tokyo airport and an equally high-level pickup in Beijing two hours later.
  “Japan is a small country and very few corporate and individuals own private jets,” explained Zhai Jiahua, “When Tsutomu Hata and others heard we would pick him up for treatment in China with a corporate jet, they were surprised and trusted us more. We immediately gain credibility in Japan.”
  Two days later, Tsutomu Hata completed his treatment and flied back home again on China Stem Cell. Since then, he has been checked up and treated with experts and nurses every month, who commute on the same plane with special drugs. Zhai Jiahua played a video for us, showing Tsutomu Hata getting remarkably better, able to stand up, sit down, make turns and eat on his own. China Stem Cell has been used to treat VIP guests from Japan, the Philippines and mainland since May 2011. “It is a package inclusive of treatment and private-jet journeys,” Zhai smiled.
  Zhai ’s health business
  Zhai reminisced the exciting moment of taking China Stem Cell. He made a trip to the United States to take the delivery and experienced private-jet journeys by touring the country. “I knew at that time that we would eventually need five planes. The second Bombardier Global 5000 will be delivered and immediately put into use in July this year.”
  Global 5000 is a super-sized corporate jet with a theoretic range of 10,000km and capable of intercontinental journeys. It accommodates up to 17 passengers, equipped with a bed and a shower and sold for about Rmb300million.
  China Stem Cell Health Group is a high-tech company specializing in cell research and applications founded by Zhai Jiahua. It collaborates with the medical school of University in Germany and has successfully developed PPC cell for anti-aging treatment and healthcare.China Stem Cell partners with hospitals and research institutes in Germany, Japan, South Korea and China in clinical research and practice.
  Zhai told U-Jet that PPC is regenerated cell derived from intravenous blood, and can only survive half a day or a day once it is away from the source. With commercial airlines and possible air traffic control, delays and other accidents, cell quality can easily be compromised and treatment results not guaranteed. That’s why China Stem Cell’s medical staff always take a business jet. China Stem Cell serves high-end customers, who have special requirement for transportation arrangement. The convenience and time-saving properties of business jets become a necessity.
  Zhai Jiahua has a few other businesses – the Beijing cell production base, Beijing Stem Cell anti-aging healthcare base, Beijing Stem Cell anti-aging international club, Tianjin Stem Cell treatment base, Hainan international island anti-aging and healthcare centre, et. He has expanded his healthcare empire to overseas markets, having established medical facilities in Fukuoka in Japan and Cheju of South Korea. Going forward, he plans to set up subsidiaries in the Philippines and Germany.
  The efficiency of business aviation
  “Businessmen tend to have busy schedules. It is convenient to have a business jet at your disposal to enjoy the flexibility,” said Zhai , “But I don’t usually travel on a business jet within China. I might take it overseas when I have a packed itinerary.”
  China Stem Cell flies 400 to 500 hours a year. Over 300 hours indicate efficiency and value. “I fly on a private jet one out of three or four hours,” said Zhai , “For example, I’d fly to Cheju on Friday, do some work, and continue to the Philippines in the evening. I check into a hotel and work on Saturday, and come back on Sunday for an important client meeting. It wouldn’t have been possible with commercial airlines.”
  Zhai thinks that even first class with a commercial airline has its limit. On the contrary, business jet is similar to golf in a way. It is a private space for negotiations and exchange. “My friends borrow my planes and use much more than myself. They love the convenience.”
  “It costs a lot,” acknowledged Zhai, “You need to have a crew, and an operator for operations and maintenance. It costs additional for each landing and route application. That amounts to at least Rmb30million a year. One needs to be practical and sensible.” Zhai thinks that not many people in China use a plane as efficiently as he does and he recommends joint ownership.
  In the gilded class of private-jet owners, Zhai does see his profile rise but he doesn’t think that a plane is a killer to win a deal. “Yes you impress with a plane, just like it makes a different driving a Mercedes 2.0 or 600. You go get an edge with two or three planes when the guy opposite has only one.”
  The third one Hawker 4000
  In Zhai Jiahua’s office at Capital Mansions, he talked with U-jet at 10pm and he still had several more rounds of meetings lined up. “I’m working for over 10 hours a day and sleep for only 4 to 5 hours. I don’t have any leisure. I doze off for a few minutes, and that’s all it takes for me to be recharged.” Zhai doesn’t complain of exhaustion.
  “I plan to increase the fleet to five and one more would be a waste. I won’t buy more planes even if I cannot entirely satisfy my customers with the current fleet. Management would be an issue. We have signed the deal to acquire the third plane, a Hawker 4000. The fourth one is on the agenda,” revealed Qu.
  The plan is for the first China Stem Cell to ship cell products and medical staff, internal use in other words. Global 5000 would be for a large , high-level group on a longer trip, for example, treatment and tourism in Europe. Hawker 4000 focuses on Asian customers.
  “Once the 15,000-square meter cell-producing facilities have been completed in Tianjin, business would increase significantly, calling for the services of corporate jets. Now, our acquisition pace and usage frequency is well- aligned with business growth. I’m happy with the perfect balance. It definitely takes a long time to get returns on corporate jets, but business jets boost our profitability and enable several-folds increase in business, unimaginable in the past.”
  “When things move on their own – that is, five jets taking off and landing frequently, perhaps I should take a break and get back to golf and tennis once again,” Zhai Jiahua dreamed of his future.
集品牌历史、赞助活动主题展览以及经典腕表展示和腕表销售于一体的“劳力士 世·界”(THE ROLEX EXPERIENCE) 体验中心,位于上海外滩27号罗斯福私人会所,该体验中心占地面积超过800平方米的。名为“世·界”,寓意时间与空间上的无限伸展,为公众带来名副其实的全方位互动式品牌体验。  在体验中心的“四方成就完美”展区,参观者可以通过特殊视频技术近距离参观位于瑞士的四间制造所,一览劳力士
随着伯爵Altiplano镂空超薄腕表的隆重面世,再次成就两大世界纪录,并将极限规格提升至全新层面:全球最纤薄的自动上链镂空腕表(5.34毫米),搭载全球最纤薄自动上链镂空机芯(2.40毫米)。  在世上最纤薄的自动上链机芯上进行镌镂艺术,自然需要最上乘的雕琢工艺方能完成。在进行镌镂前,需预先周详研究装饰纹路的构图及计算雕刻镂空的范围,并微幅更动机芯设计,以确保这枚世上最纤薄的自动上链机芯运行的耐
中国有句古话叫“大道虽夷,见几者寡”,意思是说大道理虽不难,能识机要者却很少。艺术品市场亦是如此。  2011年,中国艺术品拍卖全年成交总额达到了940多亿,相比2010年的570亿,增长超过60%, 在春秋两次大的拍卖季中,一个又一个的记录诞生。无论是总体的成交额,单个专场还是个别拍品,都有令人眩晕的表现。  总体来说,参与者们都倾向认为,这个市场充满魅力。无论是从文化属性,还是资金回报率来看,
当您拥有一架上亿元的公务机后,把这架公务机维修保养好就成为最重要的工作,如同买车养车一样,也许一架公务机后期的维修保养的费用会与购机费用持平。  根据飞行和保养情况,飞机的使用寿命长达15年甚至是20年,但是按照市场惯例,公务机在使用到7年左右就会出现置换,而在置换时飞机的残值含金量有多高就体现在飞机每一次维修保养纪录中。  国内公务机的大买家民生金融租赁公司董事长孔林山曾经对本刊说,客户在购买公
“通过领先的医学探索和惊人的慈善行动帮助了很多人,这是我们的历史,我们的骄傲。”  美国礼来全球董事长、总裁兼首席执行官  John Lechleiter (李励达)博士如此对笔者说。  “We have helped a lot of people through advanced medical research and incredible philanthropic activities,
京城奢华的会所不在少数,沿着平常的胡同小道尽头凸显一处别样所在,海派风情的锦江会藏匿于喧嚣都市中,颇有大隐隐于市的风范。   初次走进锦江会,多少有些被会所内精致的景象和悠然的环境所惊讶。出乎所想的是与金融街仅有一环之隔的月坛核心区域,竟然藏着一所汇聚老上海式本土文化元素与“石库门”式建筑风格的小楼,一色的灰瓦白墙,既有北京府邸的气派,又有上海外滩小楼的风情。  锦江会,由锦江国际集团打造。其内部
三月的北京春寒料峭,大多数高尔夫球场仍在关门谢客。但有一处却  绿意盎然,不受季节干扰。这就是北京都市名人高尔夫俱乐部室内教学中心。  这里设备齐全,拥有打位、推杆果岭、沙坑、模拟器、工房、咖啡厅等。  让您在冬歇期仍可以自由挥杆,在专业教练的辅导下提高技术水平。  该俱乐部是目前国内最为完善的大型室内高尔夫练习馆之一。俱乐部设有5条打位,全部配备V1挥杆分析系统,不但加深球员对高尔夫的认识,还使
Courchevel 1850是法国境内阿尔卑斯山脚最时尚的滑雪度假村之一,而Le Mélézin就建造在这个村庄的Bellecôte Piste之上。这样,滑雪客们就是在度假村内滑进滑出,十分便利。度假村是一幢优雅的庄园大宅,古老的橡树梁得以保存,拼花地板和木质镶板体现着格调和淡定。  走出度假村,沿着200个滑雪缆车和600公里精心修整的滑雪道,还有4公顷儿童滑雪中心,以及10多个