Motivating Students to Speak up in the Large-sized Class

来源 :大众文艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shulin370
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With the expanding of the English class size,it is worthwhile for teachers to do the research work on how teachers enable the students to improve not only their abilities to read and write,but also their abilities to speak and listen in classroom teaching and learning of College English.This paper explores the way to inspire students’ interest of speaking English by design certain activities,which students can create their own dialogue to practice and improve their communicative competence,and attempts to find out the effects of cooperative learning on the students’ English proficiency,specifically their speaking ability in large-sized class English language teaching as well as their attitude towards cooperative learning in the large English class. With the expanding of the English class size, it is worthwhile for teachers to do the research work on how teachers enable the students to improve not only their abilities to read and write, but also their abilities to speak and listen in classroom teaching and learning of Student English. This paper explores the way to inspire students ’interest of speaking English by design certain activities, which students can create their own dialogue to practice and improve their communicative competence, and attempts to find out the effects of cooperative learning on the students’ English proficiency, specifically their speaking ability in large-sized class English language teaching as well as their attitude towards cooperative learning in the large English class.
【摘要】三自一导”是主体参与型教学模式的具体实施,是思想政治课教学改革的深入和发展。“三自一导”即在教师的主导下,让学生自己读书、自己质疑、自己求索。实施“三自一导”教学方法的目的就在于充分调动学习主体——学生的积极性,引导他们积极主动、生动活泼地学习,培养他们分析问题、解决问题的能力,进而学会求知,学会做人。  【关键词】学生读书质疑三自一导  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:ADOI:10.39