介绍在进行组合夹具拼装智能化研究中涉及的元件信息提取问题.首先指出元件拼装是具有强约束的三维布局问题;对IGES格式文件的五大部分:起始节、总体节、目录节、参数市和结束节进行了介绍;阐述了在所建立的组合夹具拼装系统基础上,对其元件库的布局元件进行数据信息的提取工作:包括元件信息提取系统的功能、结构的叙述;系统各模块的介绍.最后,应用此信息提取系统,以长方形导向支承元件为例对其作一验证,从而很好的实现了对布局元件的数据信息提取工作.“,”Distilling problems of component information are involved in researching assembly intelligence of modular fixtures. At first, the assembly of componeflts is a 3D packing problems processing strongrestrict. Five parts of IGES file, sted section, global section, direCtory efltity section, parameter section andterminate section are introduced. Based on assembly system of modular fiXtures, distilling work of informationfor packing componeflts in element storage is introduced. It also contains the depiCtion of function and structureand apiece module of system. At last, through a exemple of rectangle guide supporting element validates thesystem, and distilling work is better achieved.