暴发性紫癜系1884年Guilliot 氏首次报道,为少见病。其临床突出表现为突然出现的对称性大块瘀斑,并迅速坏死,病死率高。我院收治1例,报告如下。患者男,11岁,住院号52761。因突然出现大块紫癜伴发热于1985年2月19日入院。否认过敏史。查体:体温39.1℃,呼吸55次/分,脉搏触不到,血压0,昏迷。四肢、躯干、左耳大片瘀斑,双下肢下1/3和双手肿胀、发紫,指(趾)端发紫。心率160次/分,肺、腹部、神经系统未发现异常。血红蛋白110g/L(11g/dl),白细胞45.6×10~9/L(45600/
Purpura fulminans Guilliot’s first reported in 1884, as a rare disease. The clinical manifestations of the sudden appearance of symmetrical chubby ecchymosis, and rapid necrosis, high mortality. 1 case admitted to our hospital, the report is as follows. Patient male, 11 years old, hospital number 52761. Due to the sudden appearance of large purpura with fever on February 19, 1985 admission. Denied the history of allergies. Physical examination: body temperature 39.1 ℃, breathing 55 beats / min, the pulse can not touch, blood pressure 0, coma. Limbs, torso, left ear large ecchymosis, lower extremity lower thirds and both hands swollen, purple, finger (toe) side purple. 160 beats / min heart rate, lung, abdomen, nervous system found no abnormalities. Hemoglobin 110g / L (11g / dl), leukocytes 45.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L (45600 /