我国人民营养素的供给量标准,1988年重新作了修改。关于儿童少年的能量供给量标准,是参照国际标准、国内膳食调查结果、国民经济情况和实际工作需要制定的,并以一岁为一年龄阶段,区分性别,提供参考体重更接近实际需要,它为评价中小学生膳食能量及营养提供了更为精确的依据。 1 评价能量摄入的重要性。能量的摄入是维持生命、保证健康、促进儿童生长发育、提高机体素质的基础条件。尤其在青春发育期,生长迅速,新陈代谢旺盛,是一生中能量需要最多的时期。充足的能量及营养素的摄入,可以促使身体达到最佳的发育水半。如能量摄入不
The supply of nutrients to our people standards, re-amended in 1988. The standard of energy supply for children and adolescents is formulated with reference to international standards, domestic dietary survey results, national economic conditions and practical work needs. One-year-olds are used to distinguish gender and provide reference weight more closely to actual needs. To evaluate the dietary energy and nutrition of primary and secondary school students to provide a more accurate basis. 1 Evaluate the importance of energy intake. Energy intake is to maintain life, ensure health, promote children’s growth and development, improve the quality of the basic conditions. Especially in the puberty, rapid growth, strong metabolism, is the lifetime of the most energy needs of the period. Adequate energy and nutrient intake, can promote the body to achieve the best development of water half. If energy intake is not