徐迟的《黄山记》在写法上独辟蹊径,自成一格。其构思上有“三绝”。 其一谓之“以大见大”。以大题材反映大主题。一般散文,常用“以小见大”的表现手法,敏锐地抓住生活中的一些细小而典型的事例,表现一个深刻的大主题,例如冰心的《小桔灯》。而《黄山记》却一反常俗。从浩瀚的宇宙入手,抓住雄伟壮观的黄山全景描写,在广阔的背景中抒情,以此赞颂神奇的大自然,赞颂伟大的劳动者,赞颂伟大的
Xu Chi’s “Notes on the Mountain of Huangshan” is a unique way of writing. Its concept is “three absolutes.” One of them is called “big and big.” Reflect the big theme on a big theme. General prose, commonly used in the “big and small” performance techniques, keenly seize the life of some small and typical examples, the performance of a profound theme, such as Bing Xin’s “little orange lamp.” The “Mt. Huangshan” was an unorthodox one. From the vast universe, take a panoramic view of the majestic Huangshan Mountains, lyrical in a broad context to extol the magical nature, extol the great laborers, and extol the great