目的了解湖北省成年人水果蔬菜摄入情况,为开展慢性病防控相关的健康促进活动,指导人群合理膳食提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法选取湖北省3个城市9 663名18岁及以上居民,采用食物频率法调查水果、蔬菜摄入情况。结果调查对象平均水果、蔬菜摄入量分别为99.83g/d、418.89g/d,摄入不足率分别是82.54%、29.74%。水果摄入不足率是男性、老年人、低文化程度、低收入、农林渔牧业、超重、自报慢性病患者更高,蔬菜摄入不足率是女性、年轻人、高文化程度、退休人员、体重过轻人群更高。结论湖北省成年人水果摄入远未达到中国居民膳食指南推荐量,应针对重点人群开展干预工作。
Objective To understand the intake of fruits and vegetables among adults in Hubei province and to provide a scientific basis for carrying out health promotion activities related to prevention and control of chronic diseases and guiding the reasonable diet of the population. Methods A total of 9 663 residents aged 18 and above in 3 cities of Hubei Province were selected by multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method to investigate the intake of fruits and vegetables by food frequency method. Results The average intake of fruits and vegetables was 99.83g / d and 418.89g / d, respectively. The ingestion rate was 82.54% and 29.74% respectively. Low rate of fruit intake is higher among men, the elderly, people with low education level, low income, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, overweight and self-reported chronic diseases. The under-consumption rate of vegetables is high among women, young people, Underweight people are higher. Conclusion The intake of fruit in adults in Hubei Province is far from the recommended dietary guidelines for Chinese residents. Intervention should be targeted at key populations.