一、一季度全国消费品市场基本形势 据国内贸易部消费品流通司提供的信息,今年一季度,我国国民经济继续保持稳定发展的势头,消费品市场总体呈现出繁荣、稳定的局面,物价指数有所回落。工业品市场货源丰富,购销活跃,价格水平有一定上涨,但部分品种保持相对稳定;主要副食品由于存在一定程度的地区性、季节性及总量供求不平衡,同比价格涨幅仍偏高,但猪肉市场价格已出现逐月回落势头。一季度社会消费品零售总额实现4627亿元,比去年同期增长3].3%(扣除物价因素,实际增长9.5%);一季度居民消费价格指数平均为22.6 %。
The basic situation of the national consumer goods market in the first quarter and the first quarter According to the information provided by the Department of Consumer Products and Mobility of the Ministry of Internal Trade, in the first quarter of this year, China’s national economy continued to maintain its momentum of steady development, and the consumer goods market as a whole showed a prosperous and stable situation. The price index fell back slightly. . The industrial products market is rich in supplies, with active purchases and sales, and the price level has risen somewhat, but some varieties remain relatively stable. The main non-staple foods, due to the existence of a certain degree of regional, seasonal and total supply and demand imbalances, are still higher than the year-on-year price increase, but The market price of pork has been falling month by month. In the first quarter, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 462.7 billion yuan, an increase of 3 ..3% over the same period of last year (a real increase of 9.5% after deducting price factors); the average consumer price index in the first quarter was 22.6%.