在现行中学生物教学中,共有25个实验需要用到显微镜。光学显微镜里的物像是倒像,这对于没有学过物理知识的初一年级学生来说,是很难理解的,即使是初二以上的各年级学生,也常被弄得晕头转向。为了避免出现差错,下面介绍用中心对称原理来判断物像的形状及装片移动方向的简易方法。 一、判断物像的形状例题:把写有字母“RF”的装
In the current middle school biology teaching, a total of 25 experiments require the use of a microscope. The object image in the optical microscope is an inverted image. This is difficult for early grade students who have not studied physics knowledge. Even elementary school students of Grade 2 and above often get confused. In order to avoid errors, the following describes how to use the principle of center symmetry to determine the shape of the object image and the easy way to move the film. First, determine the shape of the object example: write the letter “RF”