思想品德课的任务是向学生进行共产主义思想品德教育。教师要依据教学大纲和教材的要求,向学生传授道德观点,激发道德情感,指导行为实践。思想品德课的板书必须突出道德观点,讲明道理,提出行为要求,以提高教学效果。 一、板书的作用。 板书是思想品德课教学的一种手段,它能组织和集中学生的注意力,理清思路,提练要点,突出重点,便于记忆。 二、板书的要求。 1.观点明确,醒目达意。 2.文简意赅,提纲挈领。抓住道德观点,突出重点,明理清楚,行为要求明确。 3.布局要合理,边讲边出现,条理清楚,可以用各种符号突出重点,表示关系,如:——、=、;;○○○、
The task of the ideological and moral course is to educate the students on the ideological and moral character of communism. According to the teaching syllabus and teaching materials, teachers should impart moral views to students, stimulate moral emotion and guide practice. Ideological and moral lesson plan must highlight the moral point of view, explain the truth, put forward behavioral requirements, in order to improve teaching effectiveness. First, the role of the blackboard. Writing a book is a means of teaching ideology and morality. It can organize and concentrate the students' attention, clarify their thinking, train points, highlight their key points and make them easy to remember. Second, the requirements of the board. 1. Point of view clear, eye-catching. 2 concise 赅, outline 挈 collar. Seize the moral point of view, highlighting the key points, clear-cut, clear behavioral requirements. 3 layout should be reasonable, while talking about the edge, clearly structured, you can use a variety of symbols to highlight the key points that the relationship, such as: -, = ,;; ○○○,