一 一个世纪以前,当大清朝翰林院的青年翰林蔡元培,面对康梁变法失败的悲剧,毅然挂冠而去时,他绝不会想到百年后的北大校庆前夕,他和陈独秀、胡适、李大钊、鲁迅等一批思想文化先驱在老北大的故事,会成为世纪末中国知识界的热门话题。当你在北大采访,许多前来未名湖瞻仰他青铜塑像的莘莘学子,都会望着那慈祥恺悌的面容告诉你,没有蔡先生那“兼容并包,思想自由,学术至上”的办学气度,就不可能迅速集聚起一批能决定20世纪中国精神走向的大主角;就不会有《新青年》和“五四”新文化运动以及新北大。
A century ago, when the young Hanlin Cai Yuanpei of the Imperial Academy in the Qing Dynasty faced the tragedy of failure of Kang Liang’s reform and resolutely decided to hold his crown, he never imagined that on the eve of Peking University’s anniversary, he and Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi and Li Dazhao , Lu Xun and a number of pioneers of ideological and cultural traditions in Peking University will become the hot topic of Chinese intellectual circles at the end of the century. When you interviewed at Peking University, many of our students who come to Lake Minga to see their bronze statues will be looking at you. Without Mr Choi’s education of “compatibility and freedom of thought, academic supremacy” It is impossible to quickly gather a group of protagonists who can determine the spiritual orientation of China in the 20th century; there will be no “new youth” and “the May 4th” new culture movement and the new Beijing University.