从2002年2月底开始,整个服务器市场在逐渐的升温,联想在2月26日 IDF大会上推出服务器新品万全 T350。3月15日,联想集团携手英特尔推出了其在服务器核心技术领域拥有完全自有知识产权的“万全慧眼(Sureye)服务器智能监控管理系统”。而中国另一家服务器厂商浪潮在3月15日与英特尔公司在北京宣布,双方合作共建的浪潮英特尔技术实验室正式启用。时隔不到两周,浪潮服务器再次宣布,与另一个国际巨头在另一个领域开展合作,即英迈成为浪潮服务器的签约分销合作伙伴。面对这样的景象,方正电脑在服务器市场上似乎显得异常沉寂,除了宣布成立企业事业群一事,近期似乎再没有什么大动作。“我觉得用润物细无声来形容我们方正电脑3月份所作的事情,是再
Starting from the end of February 2002, the entire server market is gradually warming up, Lenovo launched the server new product T350 T350 at the IDF conference on February 26. On March 15, Lenovo Group and Intel introduced their core technology in the server field has completely Intellectual property “Sureye server intelligent monitoring and management system.” And another wave of server vendors in China announced on March 15 with Intel Corporation in Beijing that the wave of Intel’s technology labs, co-founded by both parties, was officially launched. Less than two weeks later, Inspur Server once again announced cooperation with another international giants in another area, namely Ingram Micro became the contracted distribution partner of Inspur Server. In the face of such a scene, Founder PC seems unusually quiet in the server market, in addition to announcing the establishment of a business group, the recent seems no major move. "I think using Moisture Silence to describe what our Founder PC did in March is