马尔蒂·塔尔威拉诞生于芬兰,是当今世界上第一流的男低音之一。他首演歌剧是1960年于赫尔辛基扮演《弄臣》中的斯帕拉弗契列(Sparafucile)。在贝累斯歌剧节(Bayreuth Festival)因扮演瓦格纳歌剧中的各种角色而知名。尤其以扮演《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》(Tnistan und Isolde)中的马尔克王(King Marke)而极为
Martti Thalwela was born in Finland and is one of the best basso in the world today. He premiered the opera Sparafucile in 1960 in Helsinki as the “jester.” Known for playing various roles in the Wagner’s opera at the Bayreuth Festival. Especially for playing King Marke in Tnistan and Isolde