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深入学习贯彻十六届四中全会精神,不断提高执政能力,关键是要抓好落实,最终要看执政成效。今年以来,我区各级党委、政府围绕加快富民兴桂新跨越和全面建设小康社会的目标,按照中央和自治区的各项决策部署,坚持在办实事中提高执政能力,从抓落实中检验执政成绩,克服面临的各种矛盾和困难,全力推进改革开放和现代化建设,取得了近十年来最好的发展成绩。国民经济加快发展,经济发展“三突破”目标顺利实现;对外开放势头强劲,招商引资成效显著;重大项目建设大举推进,发展基础进一步夯实;人民生活水平显著提高,城乡社会和谐祥和。政治文明、精神文明和党的建设等各项事业也取得新进展。 To thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and continuously improve our ability to govern, the key is to do a good job in implementing it, and ultimately depends on the effectiveness of governance. Since the beginning of this year, the party committees and governments at all levels in our region have focused on accelerating the goal of enriching the people, building a prosperous and prosperous Guangxi and building an overall well-to-do society. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements made by the central and autonomous regions, Achievements and overcoming all kinds of contradictions and difficulties they are facing. They are making every effort to promote reform and opening up and the modernization drive and have achieved the best achievements in the past decade. The goal of “three breakthroughs” in economic development has been smoothly achieved; the momentum of opening up to the outside world has enjoyed a remarkable momentum of success in attracting foreign investment; the construction of major projects has been vigorously promoted and the basis for development has been further consolidated; the living standards of the people have risen significantly and the urban and rural communities have enjoyed harmony and harmony. New progress has also been made in various undertakings, including political civilization, spiritual civilization and party building.
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本文分两章. 第一章主要介绍了调和分析中的经典算子在Mpq(μ)空间中的有界性及其向量值推广,其中μ不一定是双倍的但满足一定的增长性条件.在这部分本文还拓广了定理1.1.4
密码学上的哈希函数(简称哈希函数)是现在大部分安全系统的重要组成部分,它的实际应用一般基于其抗(第二)原像性. SHA-256是一种被广泛使用的哈希函数,由NIST(the National I