来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xoyo20001
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This is a modest contribution on higher-order continuum theory for predicting size effects in small-scale objects. It relates to a preceding article of the journal by the same authors(AMSS, 2013, 26: 9-20) which considered the longitudinal dynamical analysis of a gradient elastic fiber but, in addition to an internal length, an internal time parameter is also introduced to model delay/acceleration effects associated with the underlying microstructure. In particular, the free transverse vibration of a double-walled carbon nanotube(DWNT) is studied by employing gradient elasticity with internal inertia. The inner and outer carbon nanotubes are modeled as two individual elastic beams interacting with each other through van der Waals(vdW) forces. General explicit expressions are derived for the natural frequencies and the associated inner-to-outer tube amplitude ratios for the case of simply supported DWNTs. The effects of internal length(or scale)and internal time(or inertia) on the vibration behavior are evaluated. The results indicate that the internal length and time parameters of the adopted strain gradient-internal inertia generalized elasticity model have little influence on the lower order coaxial and noncoaxial vibration modes,but a significant one on the higher order modes. This is a modest contribution on higher-order continuum theory for predicting size effects in small-scale objects. It relates to a preceding article of the journal by the same authors (AMSS, 2013, 26: 9-20) which considered the longitudinal dynamical analysis of a gradient elastic fiber but, in addition to an internal length, an internal time parameter is also introduced to model delay / acceleration effects associated with the underlying microstructure. In particular, the free transverse vibration of a double-walled carbon nanotube ) is studied by employing gradient gravity with internal inertia. The inner and outer carbon nanotubes are modeled as two individual elastic beams interacting with each other through van der Waals (vdW) forces. General explicit expressions are derived for the natural frequencies and the associated inner -to-outer tube amplitude ratios for the case of simply supported DWNTs. The effects of internal length (or scale) and internal time (or inertia) on the vibra The results indicate that the internal length and time parameters of the applied strain gradient-internal inertia generalized elasticity model have little influence on the lower order coaxial and noncoaxial vibration modes, but a significant one on the higher order modes.
成伯玙的《毛诗指说》,是唐代有影响的《诗经》研究专著之一,约作于唐德宗贞元十年(公元794年)之前,为唐代后期之作。《四库全书总目提要》评价该书说: 凡书四篇。一曰《兴
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班会活动是一种特殊的教育方式,从认识角度讲,大多数班主任都能理解它的重要性。但是在实际操作中,不少班主任把它作为班级学习及纪律情况的小结,表扬先进、指出问题的“说教课”;有的班主任开展班会课是“临阵磨枪”,草率应付,从而使班队活动形同虚设,流于形式,效果不明显;还有的班队活动课成了班主任或其他任课教师的文化课。本人从多年的班主任工作实践中体会到,要开展好班队活动,必须讲究“四性”。    一、活动