Trauma in Jean Rhy’s Wide Sargasso Sea

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  1. Introduction
  Jean Rhys was a 20th century Dominican and British novelist who might be regarded avant-garde today. Her Wide Sargasso Sea which written for Rochester’s mad wife-- Antoinette in Jane Eyre. This thesis will analyze the novel with the trauma theory and argue the hero and heroine’s different kinds of trauma in their lifetime, different traumas’ reasons and that in their recovery process they finally constructs themselves a definite and true identity and recovers from their trauma.
  2. Trauma from racism
  Antoinette as a white Creole girl, is traumatized by racism from the native black people and from the white English. Because of her slave-owner ancestors, not only Antoinette but also her family suffers from racism. The white English never regard her as a group member because of her mixed and impure blood and poor economic situation.
  For the purpose of money, Rochester came to the unfamiliar West Indies with carrying a sense of superiority as a conqueror to the colonies. As he came into here, he began to live in a particular atmosphere where were full of hostile eyes and much silent resistance all over parts.
  3.Trauma from family
  Antoinette does not get any assistance from her mother but she is even hurt much deep by her mother’s cold indifference and psychic numbing. Those make her confused and shamed about her White Creole identity and then give up her identity as a white Creole woman.
  As the youngest son, Rochester must obey father’s words and arrangements in all respects. His father left love and all property to his eldest son. For the money, he tried to marry Antoinette. Gradually he began to hate, stimulate, hurt and even drive her mad. So no love family ruined Antoinette and Rochester.
  4. Trauma from marriage
  Antoinette was traumatized by her husband through their marriage. Rochester benefited his wife’s property and possessions. Then he began to control Antoinette by denying her voice, imposing his ideas on her and changing her name, thus alienated her from her own culture, language, roots and identity and then took away, even destroys her sense of identity, sense of self.
  Some people thought Rochester was an unforgivable people. But at that society in the British, Rochester also was a victim. He always thought a mixed blood woman bought him. Just as he sold his soul. It seemed that only completely suppressing this Creole girl was to ensure his status as an European white man. However, colonial violence not only hurt other people, but also the violent themselves suffered a lot.
  The thesis discussed Antoinette and Rochester’s trauma from racism family and marriage trauma. The author shows us the Antoinette and Rochester’s life tragedy, and also shows the power of true love. The world is full of material and desire, as the economic society development and expansion, and material consumption extends everywhere. Modern human should reflect the importance of love and harmony in the case of lack of social ethics.
  Works Cited
  1)Rhys Jean. Wide Sargasso Sea. New York: W. W. Norton and Co. Inc., 1968.
  2)范文彬:“也談《简·爱》中疯女人的艺术形象”,《外国文学评论》,1990 年第 4期 95-101.
【摘要】:品牌的重要性不言而喻,品牌设计的成功是品牌获得竞争优势的重要原因。品牌的价值支撑就是品牌的文化内涵,对于品牌形象的建立有重要作用。本文结合当今成功品牌设计的成长经历和成功经验,分析了品牌设计成功地奥秘,并进一步阐述了品牌文化内涵对于品牌设计的重要性,以及如何将品牌文化融入到品牌设计中。  【关键词】:品牌设计;品牌文化;文化内涵;  一、品牌的概念  “品牌”的英文是 “Brand”,最
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佛教自东汉传入中国,经过魏晋南北朝的发展,到了唐代,达到历史鼎盛时期。唐朝经济的繁荣、政治的清明为佛教的進一步传播提供了物质条件和基础。主要体现在僧团的壮大、寺院数量的增多以及寺院经济的强盛。与此同时,佛教与中国本土文化的融合也进一步加深,作为佛教传统节日的盂兰盆节逐渐民俗化的过程正是这种趋势的侧面反映。  一、唐代不同时期佛教的发展  唐代诸帝对待佛教的总体态度,基本上是整顿和利用。在有唐一代的
【摘要】:在翻译过程中等值翻译是翻译的最高目标,但文化差异会影响翻译的等值性,绝对的等值是不存在的,因为在翻译过程中,除了受译者自身的因素影响外,还收语境、人的思维方式、和文化差异等诸多因素的影响。本文主要探讨了翻译等值性的分类和制约翻译的因素。  【关键词】:翻译,等值性,原则  一.什么是翻译  何谓“翻译”?朱自清曾经把翻译定义为“是把外国文翻译成本国文”;有些翻译教科书,把翻译定义为“运用
【摘要】:现代视觉传达设计自发端至今,历经多样的风格流变,各种视觉手段的运用层出不穷。当下国内的平面设计在这个视觉元素颇丰的多媒体信息环境下,要寻求自我言语方式的深入和争取对话权.无疑需从中国传统大美学思维中探究设计空问的可能性。  【关键词】:设计美学;传统美学;视觉传达设计;对话  当视觉传达设计毫无疑问的成为当下中国设计创意产业这棵大树上的重要枝权时,对设计美学的积极探究成为设计理论走向成熟
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【摘要】:中国唐代女性服饰元素走向世界,唐诗英译起到巨大作用,但文化空缺现象导致了女性服饰翻译的困境。采撷《唐诗三百首英译》中一些女性服饰描写,通过对服饰质料文化,生态文化空缺两方面剖析,可知译者选择合适词汇填补了服饰文化空缺。 对于部分处理不足之处,可用释意,加注的方式来对空缺进行填补,再现服饰文化内涵。(与文章内容不同,文中使用的是音译+加注的方法)  【关键词】:文化空缺;女性服饰;填补策略