Software project management

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  Abstract: The object of project management software is a software engineering project. It covers the entire process of software engineering. For the success of the software project development, the key problem is to work on software project scope, may risk,need resources, to achieve the task, experienced a milestone, spending effort, schedule accomplish know fairly well. This management should begin before the technology work began, continue in the software process from concept to implementation, when the software engineering process at the end to end.
  Key words: Software;Software project management.
  1. Introduction
  At present, the rapid development of information technology, software products are increasingly large scale, the software companies are actively introduced to the software project management development activities, the implementation of thedevelopment of effective management. Software development is different from other products manufacturing, software, the entire process are the design process; in addition, software development don't need to use a lot of material resources, but human resources; and development of software products just code and files, and no other materials. Based on the characteristics of software project management and project management compared with other, very unique.
  2. Software project management
  In order to realize the goal of the project, software project success, the scope of software project, risk, need of resources,implementation of task, cost and schedule arrangements need to accomplish know fairly well. The software project management can provide this information, it has always been throughout the project. From the perspective of software engineering, software development is mainly divided into six stages: requirements analysis, outline design, detailed design stage, phase encoding stage, testing stage, installation and maintenance. Whether it is development workshops, or team development, these six stages are indispensable. The software project is completed in a certain time zone, start, end, the life cycle of software project has.
  3.Software project management
  According to the actual situation of the enterprise, enterprise in software project management, the focus will be the stage of software configuration management, software quality management, software risk management and the development of personnel management four aspects contents into the software development.   The seven basic principles need to follow the famous software engineering expert B. W. Boehm summed up the software development again, we in the software project management, should also follow the seven principles. They are:
  (1)with the phases of the life cycle plan strict management;
  (2)to review stage;
  (3)the implementation of strict control of product;
  (4)the use of modern design technology;
  (5)the results should be able to clearly review;
  (6)the development team personnel should be less;
  (7)recognize continuous improvement of software engineering practice necessity.
  4.Quality management software
  With the scale of software development is more and more big, the quality of software becomes more and more prominent. Software quality control is not only a problem of software testing, in all stages of software development should be the introduction of quality management.
  Software quality includes two aspects, namely, the quality of software process and software product quality, in the early stages of the project, software quality assurance teams and project personnel jointly established for value-added items, satisfy each requirement and follow the program of institutional policy, standards and procedures. Through participation in the establishment of project plans, standards and procedures, the software quality assurance team to assist the project to ensure that these plans, standards and procedures suitable to the needs of the project, and verify that they can in the software project life cycle is used to carry out a review and audit. Software quality assurance team in the whole software project life cycle project review and check the project products, and for the management of the project is to follow the established plan, standards and procedures to provide visibility.
  5.Software risk management
  The first is the effective means of risk management risk identification, risk identification is to determine the project plan of the system (estimate, schedule and resource allocation) threat. Through the identification of known and predictable risk, project managers have possible to avoid these risks and to control these risks when necessary; secondly is the risk assessment, risk assessment is trying to from two aspects evaluate every risk - risk occurrence possibility or probability, as well as the risk occurs the, arising as a consequence of; the last three steps is further analysis all risks, including risk planning, risk tracking, and risk response. Further analysis of all risk events have only one purpose - aided project group to establish a risk management strategy.
  When a project goal has been achieved, or has been impossible to see clearly the goal of the project implementation, the project should be terminated, the project entered the end stage. The end of a project phase is the last phase of the project, this stage still need effective management and make timely correct decision, summarize and analyze the experience and lessons of the project, for the future project management provide useful experience.
  Works Cited
  [1]Jack.R.Meredith (project management} ("I MI: a new perspective of management, electronic industry press, s 2002
  [2]Han Wanjiang. Jiang Lixin software project management tutorial case, mechanical industry press, 2005.2
  [3]Yang Wenlong. Yao Shuzhen . Wu Yun "software engineer- ing", electronic industry press, 1997.11
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摘要:本文从宾川县白语亲属称谓词的使用现状、特点进行分析,接着对汉白亲属称谓词进行了比较,目的是让人们更好的了解白语亲属称谓词的语言与文化特点。  关键词:亲属称谓词;比较  一、亲属称谓词使用现状  本文以宾川县乔甸镇作为例子进行白语亲属称谓词与普通话亲属称谓词的比较分析。亲属称谓词在宾川县乔甸镇内使用的比较广泛,只要是白人,每天都会在使用。常用亲属称谓词有爷爷[A33][pɑ?21]、奶奶[A
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摘要:现如今企业要想能够在激烈的市场竞争之中获得胜利,人才主要是企业发展的法宝。因此在本文之中,主要是针对了我国钢铁企业如何去培育以及留住人才做出了全面的分析研究,并且在这个基础之上提出了下文中的一些内容,希望能够给与同行业工作的人员提供出一定价值的参考。  关键词:钢铁企业;培育;留住人才;分析  引言:对于企业而言,要想能够得到发展,其根本便是在于机制,同时关键则是在于人才,然而对于人才来说,
摘要:随着电商的迅猛发展,物流成本在企业管理中的作用越来越重要。而降低物流成本直接影响着企业的发展水平。近年来,我国大多企业在改善物流成本过程中产生了一系列的问题,制约了企业的发展。因此,企业必须加强对物流成本的改善。本文对企业的物流成本进行了分析,分析了问题,提出了对策。  关键词:物流;成本;对策  现代企业中物流成本是提高企业经济效益的主要途径,改善企业管理降低物流成本,能更有利于企业的发展
摘要:注浆施工技术作为一项新型施工技术,经常被应用于土木工程的建设中。但是在土木工程的施工过程中,还存在着施工人员与技术人员对注浆施工技术掌握不全面的现象。本文通过了解土木工程的注浆材料,针对土木工程中注浆施工的技术要点及土木工程注浆方法进行了深入的分析。旨在为施工人员和技术人员的学习提供良好的参考,进而促进工程的高效有序进行。  关键词:注浆施工技术;土木工程;应用  前言:随着中国建筑行业的进