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据不完全统计,每年我市有60%~80%的鱼池遭受不同程度鱼病的侵害,其死亡率达到20%~40%,经济损失达到上千万元。根据对我市18个县市、297个乡镇部分水产养殖场的实地调查和诊治结果,认为近年来在我市水产养殖中主要流行的病害有以下几个方面,并提出相应对策供参考。一、养殖环 According to incomplete statistics, 60% to 80% of the fishponds in our city are infested with fish diseases to varying degrees every year, with a mortality rate of 20% -40% and an economic loss of over 10 million yuan. Based on the field survey and diagnosis and treatment of some aquaculture farms in 29 counties and cities in 18 cities and counties of our city, it is considered that the main epidemic diseases in aquaculture of our city in recent years are as follows, and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward for reference. First, breeding ring
一、不合格水发水产品的主要危害 通常所说的水发水产品主要指水发海参、水发鱿鱼、水发墨鱼、水发干贝、水发鱼翅等,一些不法商贩由于利益驱动故意在水发水产品中加入工业双
The purpose of this research is to quantify the effects of compositional and processing parameters on the microstructure and properties of dual phase steel prod
仔猪存活的最关键时期是出生0~3 d(Kveragas等,1988)。新生仔猪糖原贮备很低,糖异生不足,故糖原很快被耗竭,引发低血糖症。除糖原能量供应有限外,新生仔猪体脂贮备也很低,约为体重1
1 饲用酶制剂应用概况自从1975年美国饲料工业首次把酶制剂作为添加剂应用于配合饲料中并取得显著效果后,饲用酶制剂日益受到世界养殖业的重视.20世纪90年代初,我国也开始酶