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  Up next on the high beam is number seven of team De- sert Devils!” I heard the announcer broadcast. Raising my eyes to the crowd, I saw my family grinning, ready to watch. Quickly looking back to the judges, I waited for their salute. My stomach was filled with anxious 1)butterflies; the balance beam was my specialty. After they scrutinized my
  2)stance, they gave me approval to begin. I slowly inhaled as I mounted the beam, and suddenly I was effortlessly gliding across the narrow surface, lost in my 3)routine.
  Gymnastics has consumed my life from ages five to eleven. Practic-ing 15 hours a week, the sport molded me into a hard-working, goal-setting child filled with aspirations. I still remember one particular 4)stunt that, for whatever reason, I could not seem to master. I dreaded
  the 5)front hip circle on the high bar. Even with my teammates encouraging me, I could never follow through with the final turn.
  Knowing that a state competition was just around the corner, I realized I could cost my team the gold medal. Why can’t I do this? I’m the only one who can’t master this trick! The way I saw it, I was a failure if I couldn’t do what seemed impossible.
  The coaches pushed us to our limits. Passing out or throwing up was common, and if we didn’t push ourselves, we were viewed as quitters. I suppose that is why I was so affected by my inability to master that front hip circle.
  The day before the competition, my coaches and I planned a slight change in my routine that eliminated the front hip circle. We all knew that this would 6)dock me
  major points, but it was our only option. I had given up for the first time in my life.
  The next day, I was a nervous wreck. This competition was crucial; winning the 7)Arizona State Competition would put us above our closest rival. As I did my floor and 8)vault routines, my mind was preoccupied with the high bar. It was not until I mounted the balance beam that a sense of rationality persuaded me that I was a powerful being who controlled my future. This 9)epiphany gave me great strength as I finished my balance beam routine with a score of 9.3. I moved to my high bar routine and for whatever reason, I suddenly felt as if I could accomplish anything. I could do the front hip circle, I just knew I could! Shakily continuing the routine that my coaches had decided was too difficult, I plunged forward with all my might and thrust my body over the top of the bar.
  Time stopped as I felt my body make a full rotation around the bar. But this time I didn’t fall off as I rounded the last turn! No, I did, a 10)feat I had thought impossible. I grinned as I finished with a strong sense of passion. I looked to my coaches as I dismounted and waited for their reaction. Their faces glowed with pride as they told me they had
  always believed in me, I just hadn’t believed in myself. That competition awarded our overall team the gold medal. I was also personally awarded the gold medal for my balance beam routine, but nothing was more rewarding than what I had accomplished on the high bar.
  That one competition rewarded me with more than a gold medal. That day I not only learned how important inner strength is, but also how miraculous believing in yourself can be. I never realized that I had the ability to control my own life until that moment. I always felt my
  parents, coaches, or friends were the leaders whom I followed. Sometimes you have to follow your own heart to
  realize that it is possible to conquer the impossible.


  五岁到十一岁期间,体操占据了我的人生。每周十五个小时的训练,这项运动把我锻炼成一个勤奋刻苦、有目标、充满抱负的小孩。我还记得那时候有个特殊的动作招式不知道为什么我好像总学不会。在高杠上做 “向前腹回环”是我最怕的。就算有队友的打气鼓励,我也从没完整地把最后一圈回环做好。全州的大赛快要举行,我意识到自己可能会拖累队伍拿不到团体金牌。我为什么就做不到呢?我是唯一学不会个中窍门的!我当时的想法是:如果做不到那看似不可能完成的动作,我就是个失败者。
如果你的真命天子迟迟未到  如果你沮丧时需要一个人在身边  如果你独自一人,在等待爱的滋润  如果你打电话给朋友却没人在家  在暴风雨来临的孤独夜晚  你可以逃离但不能躲藏  我告诉你,一切都是命中注定  生命中最美好的东西,都会自来自去    *但如果你想哭泣  就在我肩上哭泣  如果你需要别人的关怀  如果你感到悲伤,心也变得更冰冷  是的,我会让你感受到真爱的力量*    如果你的天空阴沉,
Everyone has the same basic needs and emotions. We must put aside our differences and come together as one in peace, understanding and tolerance.  —Susan Polis Schutz    We Need to Feel More    We nee
I couldn’t believe what I had just heard! Hands 1)cupped around his mouth so his words wouldn’t travel to the ears of eavesdroppers, and 2)flipping his head from shoulder to shoulder to ensure no one
记得念初一时,一位同时教我和弟弟英语的老师曾很困惑地问我:“你和你弟怎么那么不同?简直一个天,一个地。你读书那么认真,又不好动,你弟却活蹦乱跳的,整天玩,一点都不喜欢读书。”回到家把话转给妈妈听,弟弟倒在一旁机灵地插话:“那不就好咯,我们家文武双全嘛。”哈哈,听来好像也很有道理。^_^  从没想过出生顺序还能与个性、命运搭上关系,直到读到这篇文章,嘿嘿,有意思。文章还讲到一个现象,国外的父母往往对
I am one of those men who likes to live 2)on the edge. By that I mean that I do not fill my   3)pickup with gasoline until the needle of the fuel gauge has dipped well into the red area. The red, of c
May 4th 1948   I quite often look back at the pleasures and pains of youth—love, jealousy, recklessness, vanity—without forgetting their 1)spell but no longer desiring them. While middle-aged ones lik
你真的在这里吗?  还是我在做梦?  我分辨不清是梦境还是真实  因为我已经太久  没见过你了  我几乎已经想不起你的模样    当我感到很孤单时  我们的距离只能让我陷入沉默  我想起你的微笑  还有骄傲的眼神  情人在轻叹    如果你想要我  就满足我  如果你想要我  就满足我    你确定你真的相信我吗?  当别人都说我在说谎时  我想知道你是否曾经厌恶我  当你知道我真的曾努力  去做
民主党总统候选人奥巴马创造了历史,然而他却没有太多时间庆祝,因为美国经济目前面临着自罗斯福时期以来最艰难的局面。除了要把美国从1929年经济大萧条以来最糟糕的经济环境中拯救出来之外,奥巴马还要处理伊拉克、阿富汗两场战争的烂摊子。  经济学家们普遍认为,美国经济已步入衰退,到今年1月份,这种衰退可能更加恶化。2009年1月20日正式走马上任的奥巴马,必须要大干一场了。    The whole of
Saturday 5 April 2007  We are nearly at the end of the Easter holidays, which seem to have gone on for ever and my other half is now in the process of cleaning the house to get rid of sticky finger ma
记得第一次看到希斯·莱杰还是在2001年,当时就因为这个有着灿烂笑容的澳州金发少年居然让原本无比挑剔的我看完了平淡如水的《骑士传奇》,并深信:假以时日,他必定在好莱坞大放异彩。果然,《格林兄弟》、《卡萨诺瓦》、《断背山》接踵而来,直至《蝙蝠侠6:黑暗骑士》为他短暂而辉煌的一生添上了最浓重而绚丽的色彩。《蝙蝠侠6》上映了,好评如潮,演出很精彩,可惜你不在!    It’s July 2007, in