1999年第3期《中学数学》刊登了陈宽国老师的文章“函数f(x)=Aa1x+b1+Ba2x+b2的值域的几何求法”,读后颇有启发.并且马上产生了写作此文的想法,聊以助兴.例1 求函数f(x)=x2+4+x2-10x+34的最小值.解析1 用立体几何知识.?
In the third edition of “Mathematics of Middle School”, published in the article titled “Geometry of the Range of Function f(x)=Aa1x+b1+Ba2x+b2” by Professor Chen Kuo-guo, it was instructive after reading. And immediately came up with the idea of writing this article and talked about it. Example 1 Find the minimum value of the function f(x)=x2+4+x2-10x+34. Analytic 1 uses solid geometry knowledge. ?