上海在开埠以前,苏州河上没有人行用的桥梁,人车过河都靠小船运送,称之为“摆渡”。1845年11月英国以英商居留上海为由在苏州河南岸设立租界后,美国接着于1848年在苏州河北岸的虹口建立租界,两租界间的往来随人口增长及经济发展而逐渐频繁,交通变得非常不方便。1854年英国人韦尔斯(Wills)乃联合他人组成“苏州河桥梁建筑公司”(Soochow Creek Bridge Company),向管理租界的工部局申请建造一座苏州河上的桥梁,批准后于1855年12月动工,次年10月完成此苏州河上的第一座木桥。为了不影响船舶进出,在技术能力
Before Shanghai was opened to traffic, there was no bridge for people on the Suzhou River. People and vehicles cross the river and are transported by boat, calling it “Ferry.” In November 1845, after setting up a concession on the bank of the south bank of Suzhou River, Britain set up a concession in Hongkou, on the northern bank of Suzhou Creek, in 1848. The intercourse between the two concessions gradually increased with the growth of population and economic development. Traffic Become very inconvenient. In 1854 Wills, an Englishman, joined forces with Soochow Creek Bridge Company to apply for the construction of a bridge across the Suzhou River to the ministries and commissions that managed the concession and approved it in 1855 Construction started on the following month in October the first wooden bridge on the Suzhou River. In order not to affect the entry and exit of ships, the technical capabilities