“十五”期间将是中国经济迅速发展、向世界强国迈 进的关键时期。作为对经济发展起强大支撑作用的人事人才 工作地位作用更加凸现。为了更好地做好人事人才工作,各级 人事部门开展了大量的调查研究和分析论证工作。河南省人 事厅围绕人事工作的“两个调整”和“十五”人事人才规划组织 了17个课题调研组总结研究社会主义市场经济条件下人事 人才工作的发展规律,在分析现阶段人事人才工作特点的基 础上,对“十五”期间人事人才工作的改革思路、改革目标和一 些相应政策措施,提出了一些设想和建议。现将研究课题中的 部分观点摘编如下。
During the “Tenth Five-Year Plan”, it will be a crucial period for China’s rapid economic development and its move to a world power. As a powerful support for economic development personnel personnel work role more prominent. In order to do a better job of personnel personnel, personnel departments at all levels conducted a lot of investigation, research and analysis. The personnel department of Henan Province organized 17 task research groups focusing on “two adjustments” and “fifteen” personnel and personnel planning of personnel work to study the law of development of personnel and personnel under the condition of socialist market economy. Based on the analysis of personnel personnel work On the basis of the characteristics and characteristics, this article put forward some ideas and suggestions on the reform ideas, the reform goals and some corresponding policy measures during the “Tenth Five-year Plan” period. Nowadays, some of the research topics are summarized as follows.