First, visual and sexual: Vision in the process of spouse selection and play an important role in stimulating sexual desire. In the animal world, there are many examples of mutual attraction between the opposite sexes of the visual image. Ruokong peacock display colorful tail feathers to the female peacock pass courtship information; males fish in the mating season the chest turns red, in order to attract the female fish to swim near it. In the process of evolution, vision has also become the main means of human spouse selection. Mostly the human heart of love is based on the beauty of the United States, that is to say, only when one thinks the other is beautiful, she or he can become the object of your choice. And this kind of beauty is felt by the visual. Aesthetic point of view, since ancient times it will contain the ingredients. An attractive woman must have obvious sexual characteristics. Likewise, from a woman’s point of view, a beautiful man must be robust enough to ensure that he is a qualified spouse for sexuality. To this end, some ethnic groups and regions, men and women