Text Teaching:Britain and Ireland

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  1.Teaching Aims
  (1)Knowledge aims
  1)Have a good understanding of the text.
  2)Be familiar with new words and useful expressions to express the same ideas.
  3)Obtain the knowledge about Britain and Ireland geographically.
  (2)Ability aims
  1)Learn to use the reading skills such as skimming, scanning and careful reading to read a text efficiently.
  2)Learn to introduce a country from possible aspects, preparing for their writing skills.
  3)Practice four basic English skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing if possible.
  (3)Emotion aims
  1)Cultivate students’ team spirit through cooperative learning method.
  2)Students are to be more familiar with Britain and Ireland.
  2.Teaching important points
  (1)Getting the students to know the structure of the text.
  (2)Improving students’ reading ability.
  3.Teaching difficult points
  (1)How to get the students to grasp the main idea.
  (2)How to get the students to catch the key words of each paragraph as quickly as possible.
  (3)How to get them to finish tasks successfully.
  4.Teaching methods
  (1)Guided reading method.
  (2)Task-based teaching method through students’ individual work, pair work and group work.
  (3)Situational teaching method.
  (4)Communicative teaching method.
  5.Teaching aids
  Multi-media computer; map.
  6.Teaching procedures
  [Step 1]Lead-in(5 minutes)
  Task 1: Pictures appreciation
  Task 2: Map-reading
   Listen to the tape of paragragh1 Questions like this will be asked:
  1)What is the larger of the two islands called?
  2)What is the smaller of the two islands called?
  3)Where is the Irish sea?
  [Step 2]Reading(17 minutes)
  Task 1: Skimming
  Questions will be asked:
  1)What do the letters UK stand for?
  2)How many countries is the UK made up of?
  3)What are they?
  Task 2: Scanning for details
  Task 3: Careful reading
  Choose the best answers according to the information given.
  Country: A)England; B)Wales; C)Scotland; D)Northern Ireland; E)Ireland
  Special Information:
  _______1)lacking of snow fall, being full of all sorts of fish in the sea, being very fond of music and poems.
  _______2)the largest country in Britain; much of the land is rather flat, though there are hills in the northeast and in the centre of the country.
  _______3)the capital lies on the River Thames with a population of 7 millions.
  _______4)It lies to the west of England; it’s capital is Cardiff. The first language in north is Welsh; there used to be lots of coal mines.
  ______5)Edinburgh is its capital; many lakes and mountains; being famous for its beautiful countryside.
  1)Generally speaking, what is the weather like in Britain?
  2)Does it rain in Britain every month?
  3)Does it snow in Ireland?
  [Step 3]Consolidation(3 minutes)
  1.The larger of the islands is ______, which lies to the east of_______. The two islands are separated by the _____ _____.
  2.“UK” stand for ________________________________. In the north is ________, with its capital ______.
  3.Scotland is famous for its _______ ________.
  4._____ lies to the _____ of England. Its capital is_____.
  5.The first language in north Wales is _______.
  6.______, the largest country in Britain, is in the _______.
  7.London lies on _________ and has a population of_______.
  8.Generally, the weather in Britain is neither ____ ___ in winter nor ____ ____ in summer.
  [Step 4]Reporting(10 minutes)
  The reporting situation:
  Suppose you are college students in Oxford University. You are studying in the same class, but you come from different parts of UK. Now please choose one country of UK as your hometown and introduce it to your classmates. Students can begin like this:
  Hello, I’m___. I come from Scotland. Scotland lies in……
  [Step 5]Discussion(5 minutes)
  Imagine that your American friend has sent you an e-mail, asking for help. He wants to know a brief introduction to your hometown-Wuxi. Please discuss with your partner about it.
  Possible aspects:
  1.Location—southeast of China; Jiangsu Province
  2.History—more than 3,000 years
  3.Population—5 millions
  4.Landscape—Taihu Lake, parks, mountains
  5.Weather—four seasons
  (1)Review the useful expressions in the text.
  (2)Write a short passage to introduce our hometown-Wuxi.
【摘 要】不论是在幼儿园还是在小学,我们经常可以看到一些孩子总是沉默不语,他们被认为是语言表达能力差、思维不够灵活的差生。他们是被忽视的群体,是被老师和同伴遗忘的“角落”,他们不“差”却被贴上“差生”标签,他们不想沉默却不得不沉默,他们想融入集体却发现这样的梦越来越漂缈。他们可被称为幼儿中的“弱势群体”,可这个“弱势群体”偏偏遭致教育者的忽视。本案例中,教师不经意的一句“放心,我不会叫他”,实际上
〖11月16日讯〗第二届全国教育改革创新奖颁奖典礼暨中国教育创新论坛11月15日至16日在京举行,全国各地各校的150个创新实践项目和个人获得表彰。教育部副部长李卫红为获奖者颁奖并讲话。  李卫红指出,在举国上下学习贯彻党的十七届六中全会精神、建设文化强国、深入实施教育规划纲要、推进教育事业科学发展之际,开展此次活动意义重大,对于大力弘扬锐意改革、开拓创新的时代精神,广泛展现矢志改革、勇于创新的时
【摘 要】中国现代高等教育应顺应时代要求,创新人才教育观念,变“物化”教育为“人性”教育,变“工具性”人才为“主体性”人才;改革学校课程体系和教学模式,拓展人的主体性、创造性;建立以“关爱”为导向的师生关系,培养学生主体意识、创新意识、自由意识,使校园内所有人的主体性得到极大的尊重与张扬,建设与社会主义初级阶段相适应的充满活力的现代和谐校园文化,为培养适应时代发展需要的新型人才创造和谐的文化环境
【摘 要】概率论与数理统计是一门研究随机现象的数学课程,它对培养学生运用概率统计的原理和方法解决实际问题的能力具有不可替代的作用。本文针对概率论与数理统计课程的特点和当前教学中存在的问题,从教学方法、教学手段和考查方式等各个方面对该课程的教学改革进行探讨。  【关键词】概率论 数理统计 启发式教学 类比 多媒体教学  【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A
【摘 要】创新性人才具有创新精神、创新能力和创新人格三个方面的素质特征,大学教学应着重从善于提出问题,创设智力上有挑战性的问题情境,创设一种具有丰富反应的、给学生以心理安全的教学气氛,激发出学生多方面的思维,探索和研究各种教学方法、方式及其规律等方面的综合探索。  【关键词】创新人才 大学教育 大学生  【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【
【摘 要】市场营销专业作为全国高等院校开设数量最多的专业之一,在人才培养定位、课程设置、教学模式及实践环节等方面各学校缺乏特色,大同小异,就业形势严峻,然而真正符合企业要求的市场营销人才有效供给却严重不足。本文以内蒙古科技大学市场营销专业为研究对象,围绕其专业建设现状,探索加强工科院校背景下市场营销专业特色建设的途径,期望能够对其它工科院校提供借鉴和参考。  【关键词】工科院校 市场营销 专
【摘 要】综合性学习是语文课程改革中的一个闪光点,它有助于开拓学生的学习空间,提高学生的综合运用能力,提供多方面实践机会,有助于培养学生团结合作、勇于创新的实践能力,但作为一个全新的学习领域,在具体教学中存在一定问题。在实施综合性学习中,合理地避免这些问题对中学语文综合性学习有着重要的意义。  【关键词】中学 语文 综合性学习  【中图分类号】G633.3 【文献标识码
【摘 要】Matlab/Multisim是电气电子类专业应用较多的仿真软件,通过仿真学生可以从不同的角度理解和把握知识点,培养学生的分析和设计能力。自动控制原理和Matlab的有机结合,不仅使教学更为生动、形象,激发学生的学习兴趣,加深学生对抽象理论知识的理解;而且可以使学生获得一定的工程实践知识,增强学生分析问题的能力。  【关键词】MATLAB/SIMULINK 时域分析法  【中图分类号