箭筈豌豆为豆科巢菜属一年生草本植物,它是高产肥田的优质绿肥。株高50~150厘米,分枝多,匍匐向上。叶为偶数羽状复叶,小叶4~8对,顶端具卷须。主根稍肥大,入土不深,侧根发达,在10~25厘米土层中,根群密布,根瘤量多,在我县老建平开花盛期至结荚期,亩产鲜草量1,600~2,700斤。翻压后,其根系和枝叶大大丰富了土壤的有机质和氮素营养。 据我所试验:箭筈豌豆压青种春小麦,亩产625斤;割青后根茬种春小麦,亩产475斤;与伏翻施
Arrowhead peas is a legume annual vetch herb, which is a high-quality green manure in high-yielding fields. Plant height of 50 to 150 cm, more branches, creeping upward. Leaves are even pinnate, leaflets 4 to 8 pairs, top with tendrils. The main root slightly hypertrophy, soil is not deep, developed lateral roots, in 10 ~ 25 cm soil layer, the root mass is dense, the nodule amount, in our county old Jianping flowering period to the podding period, yield of fresh grass 1,600 ~ 2,700 jin. Turn over pressure, the roots and foliage greatly enriched the soil organic matter and nitrogen nutrition. According to my test: Arrowheads peas pressed green spring wheat, 625 kg per mu; after cutting greens stubble spring wheat, 475 kg per mu;