
来源 :水利水电工程造价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sss03157017633
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工程造价经过十几年的改革,已取得了初步成果,但还没有形成一个完整的造价管理体系。其主要原因是对工程造价的管理与控制还存在着一定的问题,为了克服工程建设中的不良现象,对工程造价实行静态控制与动态管理,规范项目法人在建设项目管理过程中的职责,使建设项目在招标投标过程中严格按国家有关法律法规,搞好建设项目的招标投标工作,控制工程造价的静态投资不突破批准的初步设计概算静态投资;施工阶段实行工程监理制,充分发挥监理工程师在工程建设过程中的地位和作用;对工程造价实行限额设计,优化施工,按市场经济体制改革的需要,把工程造价划分为静态投资与动态投资,采取静态控制与动态管理的方法,明确建设项目的各阶段各部门职责,搞好价差系数的测算,正确计算价差,以便能合理有效地控制工程造价。 After more than a decade of project cost reform, preliminary results have been achieved, but no complete cost management system has yet been formed. The main reason for this is that there are still some problems in the management and control of project cost. In order to overcome the adverse phenomena in project construction, static control and dynamic management of project cost are implemented and the responsibilities of project legal persons in the process of construction project management are regulated Construction projects in the process of bidding strictly in accordance with relevant state laws and regulations, do a good job bidding for construction projects, control of construction cost of static investment does not break through the approved initial design budget static investment; construction phase implementation of project supervision system, give full play to supervision engineer In the project construction process of the status and role of the project cost of quota design, optimization of construction, according to the needs of market economy system reform, the project cost is divided into static investment and dynamic investment, static control and dynamic management methods, clear construction Various stages of the project duties of various departments, do a good job of calculating the spread coefficient, the correct calculation of spreads in order to be able to reasonably effectively control the project cost.
1 定额必须反映社会必要劳动耗费工程建设定额指工程建设中用以确定工程造价的概预算定额和费用定额。概预算定额是完成某一定量的工程所耗费的人工、材料及机械的数量标准;
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为了引进国外先进技术理念,推广新技术应用,上海市焊接协会、上海市焊接学会和上海梅达焊接设备有限公司,邀请了美国WeldingTechnology Cotporation公司副总裁、技术委员会
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