Phenomenon of Fossilization in English Learning, underling reasons and corresponding Strategies

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  【Abstract】There are many studies about fossilization in English learning, but the views are different. Many English as a second langue learners express the fossilization is the biggest problem in English learning. This paper aims helping learners have a better understanding of fossilization phenomenon, reasons and relevant strategies so as to improve their English learning.
  【Key words】English learning; fossilization; mediation
  【作者簡介】 王佳,北京科技职业技术学院。
  1. Introduction
  It appears that L2 learners cease to make any progress in their language development when they reach intermediate states, no matter how much input they are exposed. Selinker (1992) defines this phenomenon as fossilization. However, it is controversial to identify the phenomenon of fossilization in L2 development. A major critic is that this definition lacks in sophistication, which may result in difficulty in measuring fossilization.
  2. Reasons for Fossilization
  (1) Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH)
  There are a number of reasons for this fossilized phenomenon, and one potential explanation might be critical period. Saville- Troike (2012) points out that CPH refers to the claim that there are limited years when children’ first language can be acquired flawlessly. Young learners are more likely to be effective and successful in attaining native levels of proficiency than adolescent or adult learners. As we have seen, beyond the critical period, it is difficult or impossible to acquire some kinds of language knowledge and skills particularly in phonology. Lenneberg et al. (1967) points out that this might be the reason why majority of L2 speakers have a ’’foreign accent’’ when they miss the critical period.
  However, it is arguable whether this sensitive period exists, since it is too complex and controversial. If there exists CPH, then there should be different periods in accordance with corresponding aspects of language, such as phonology and syntax. Moreover, there are evidence claim that adolescent or adult learners seem to be more successful.
  (2) Information Processing (IP)
  Another explanation might be that L2 becomes automatized before they reach the target proficiency from the IP perspective, and input does not make contribution to leading to their improvement. Therefore, real improvement in second language features results from purposely focusing on them. Also, unless the learner intentionally aware of the specific language forms, positive input becomes the contributor to the development in language knowledge.   3. Some strategies to overcome fossilization
  (1) external realization of mediation-- scaffolding
  Scaffolding is a metaphor used to describe the guidance that a teacher or more experienced peer can provide in the learning context.
【摘要】初中教师在开展英语教学的过程中,将多媒体这一辅助手段应用其中,可以充分地借助其声像并茂的特点,来增强教学的生动性、活跃性、有效性,对于高效课堂的构建,有着不可代替的作用。基于此,本文将以此为话题,探究了其的应用价值、应用路径等,希望对相关工作的展开发挥出借鉴价值。  【关键词】多媒体;初中英语;应用研究  【作者简介】胡荣琼,贵州省都匀市第三中学。  前言  伴随着我国科学技术的高速发展,
【摘要】改革开放四十年间,中国经济事业迅猛发展,国家之间的交流日益频繁。这对于翻译的要求越来越高,尤其是涉及国家交流层面的外交口译。文化负载词蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,也是外交口译中的难点所在。作为中国外交的重要载体,我国领导人的系列重要讲话较多地使用了文化负载词。本文将通过分析我国领导人近期系列重要讲话中的语句,剖析外交口译中文化负载词的翻译策略,旨在为外交口译工作者提供借鉴意见。  【关键词】外交
【摘要】在当今互联网 时代下,我国教育事业受到明显的影响,以往采用的传统教学方式开始面临一系列挑战,因此对中职英语教学提出了更高的要求,必须对其实施改革调整。当前中职英语教学主要面向综合性人才的培养,要求教师应当充分发挥引导作用,由此有效激发出学生们英语学习的兴趣,最终切实提升英语教学的水平。因此,在互联网 时代下,要求中职英语教学应当极大改革力度。为此,本文基于互联网 视角,探讨中职英语教学改革
【摘要】在英语课堂上,教师会组织丰富多彩的活动,可是在活动中,学生看似很投入,收获却并不大。这是因为在接连不断的活动中,学生的着眼点在“玩”而不是“学”。甚至有的课堂活动过于机械,学生根本无心参与。造成这些的现象的原因主要是教师课堂活动设计需要更优化,设计适合学生用的活动,实际且有效。  【关键词】课堂教学;活动  【作者简介】韩玲,江苏省仪征市第三中学。  【基金项目】本文系江苏省教育科学“十二
【摘要】诗词在中国文学长河中占了浓墨重彩的一笔,是中华人民精神文化的瑰宝。苏轼一生作诗作词无数,是后人不断学习和研究的榜样。本文以翻译美学为基础,以“三美”理论为导向,对苏轼名句的不同译本进行分析比较。  【关键词】翻译美学;苏轼;“三美”;诗词翻译  【作者简介】施栋宇(1996.1-),男,汉族,江苏南通人,现就读于云南民族大学外国语学院翻译硕士,研究方向:英语笔译;张璐(1996.3-),女
一、引言  倒装句是高中英语语法不可缺少的一部分。在现下的高中英语语法教学中,倒装句的语法和语用功能一直是中国高中生学习的难点。倒装句知识点繁多细碎,学习中易混易错,另外,很多教师在教学过程中仍采取教师讲解为主,学生被动听讲记忆的传统模式,课堂索然无味,学生昏昏欲睡,效果差强人意。  《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》要求教师改变以教师为中心、单纯传授书本知识的教学模式。在课堂教学中应精心设计贴近学
【摘要】对于中职学校的学生来说,其英语基础普遍较差,所以如何提升他们的英语学习水平一直是个教学难点。在实际教学过程中,中职学校常采用合作学习模式,虽然能够在一定程度上起到提升学生们的英语水平的效果,但在实际运用时也存在着很多问题亟待解决。本文在简单概述合作学习模式对于英语教学重要性的基础上,进一步分析了其目前存在的主要问题,并针对性的给予了几点改进方法,旨在进一步提升中职学校的英语教学水平。  【