●语言和文化是不可分割的整体语言和文化是不可分割的整体。本文通过对修订版PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit Unit6 How do you feel?feel?教材的解读和各板块的优化设计材的解读和各板块的优化设计,探讨了如何在实践中训练语言技能、在渗透和引导中提升情感品质。翻看修订版PEP小学英语六年级上册第六单元教材内容,富有儿童情趣的、逼真的生活化情境一下子吸引了眼球;透过这些画面和语言,教材承载的文化和情感内涵也不由得让人深思。下面就让我们尝试解读教材,探讨在教学中如何无痕渗透文化,有序对接语言。一、通读教材,在对比中体会变化特点
● Language and culture are indivisible The whole language and culture are indivisible. This article discusses how to train the language skills in practice through the interpretation of the teaching materials of Unit 6 and the optimization design of each section in the PEP Elementary 6th grade, Infiltration and guidance to enhance the emotional quality. Look at the revised version of PEP Elementary Sixth Grade sixth unit textbook content, full of children’s fun, lifelike life situation suddenly attracted the eye; through these pictures and languages, textbooks carried by the cultural and emotional content can not help people Thinking deeply. Let us try to read the following textbook to explore how to penetrate the culture in teaching, orderly docking language. First, read the teaching materials, experience changes in the comparison features