《华盛顿月刊》(2003年3月)疲惫的美国军队1999年,当布什还是美国总统候选人的时候,他就曾在一个演讲中猛烈抨击克林顿政府的军队政策:“二战以后还从没有一任政府对国防的投入这么低(以军费与 GDP 之此计算),而且还对我们的军队资源进行如此的滥用。”他的指责并不是没有根据的,由于冷战结束,美军人数已经从超过200万降到140万以下,与此同时,为了维持世界警察的地位,有限的美军就需要进行不停的调拨。因此,就出现了一支部队刚在海地执行完任务,就要马不停蹄的赶往索马里的情况。
Washington Monthly (March 2003) Weary U.S. Army When Bush was a U.S. presidential candidate in 1999, he attacked the Clinton administration’s military policy in a speech: “There was no second after World War II The government’s investment in defense is so low (in terms of military spending and GDP) and so abuses its military resources. ”" His accusations are not unfounded. As the Cold War ended, the number of U.S. troops has risen from more than 200 In the meantime, in order to maintain the status of a world police officer, the limited number of U.S. troops needs to be constantly allocated. As a result, there has been a rush to Somalia by a force that has just completed its mission in Haiti.