亚里士多德和法家都强调法律的作用 ,主张法治 ,反对人治 ,因而其法治思想存在着诸多相同或相似之处。尽管如此 ,两者在为何实行法治 (法治的理论基础 )、如何实现法治 (法治的主要内容 )以及通过法治要达到什么目标 (法治的最终目的 )等许多方面尚存在重大分歧。分析、研究两者的异同及其原因 ,不但对于理解中国与西方不同的法哲学传统 ,而且对于建设现代化的法治国家都具有重要意义
Both Aristotle and Legalist emphasize the role of law, advocate the rule of law and oppose rule of man, and thus there are many similarities or differences between them. Nevertheless, there are still many major differences between the two in terms of why they should implement the rule of law (the rationale for the rule of law), how to achieve the rule of law (the main content of the rule of law), and what the goal of achieving through the rule of law (the ultimate goal of the rule of law). Analyzing and studying the similarities and differences between the two and their causes not only have important meanings for understanding the different jurisprudence of jurisprudence in China and the West but also for building a modern state under the rule of law