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编发寄语从曹孟德的“对酒当歌,人生几何”,到苏东坡的“明月几时有,把酒问青天”;从诗仙太白的“斗酒诗百篇”,到革命先驱秋瑾的“貂裘换酒也堪豪”。我们可以看出,对于国人来说,酒已不仅仅是一种饮品,而是一种积淀,一种寄托,一种悠久的文化。中国有着五千年的悠久历史,是东方传统文化的发祥地,文明历史源远流长,文化类别异常丰富,而真正将酒作为文化进行专门研究和表述的著作却凤毛麟角,并不多见。日前,吴晓煜先生的新作《中国酒文化谈丛》已近封笔,不久即可付梓。该书通过历朝历代政府对酒的酿造和经营的管理、酒和种类、历代典籍中对酒与饮酒方式的解读、文人骚客与酒的故事以及文学名著中有关的描述等,从文化的角度诠释了酒在人们生活中的地位与作用。书中所引用的典故新奇而典型,表述朴实而老到,且各篇独立成章,短小精练,极易引起读者的兴趣。在此书未版之前,《当代矿工》杂志征得作者同意,连载其中章节,以使本刊读者先睹为快。读者对此有何观感及建议,诚望烦告。 Editor’s letter from Cao Mengde’s “wine on the song, the geometry of life” to Su Dongpo’s “when the moon, the wine asked the sky”; from the poetry Taibai “fighting wine poetry” to the revolutionary pioneer Qiu Jin’s “marten Wine is also worthy. ” We can see that for people, wine is more than just a drink, but an accumulation, a kind of sustenance, a long culture. With a long history of 5,000 years, China is the birthplace of traditional oriental culture. With a long history of civilization and an unusually rich cultural category, rare books on how to truly study and express wine as a culture are rare. A few days ago, Mr. Wu Xiaoyu’s new book, “Chinese Wine Culture Tan” has been sealed and will soon be paid. The book through the history of the ancient dynasties of the brewing and management of wine, wine and type of ancient and modern classics in the interpretation of the way the wine and drink, literati poet and wine’s story and the legendary literature on the description, from a cultural point of view The status and function of wine in people’s life. The allusions quoted in the book are novel and typical, plain and sophisticated, and each is a separate chapter, short and concise, easily aroused the reader’s interest. Before this book was unveiled, the magazine Mogul of Contemporary won the author’s consent and included a series of chapters in order to make the readers of this journal a preview. Readers have any feelings and suggestions, sincerely hope.
时间的空间表征称为心理时间线(mental time line),它可以在三个空间维度上进行表征:左右、前后和上下。以往研究表明心理时间线的确可以在某个维度下被单独激活,然而,不同维
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