Development of 101 Novel EST-Derived Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers for Zhikong Scallop (Chl

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingxiong324
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Zhikong scallop(Chlamys farreri) is an important maricultured species in China.Many researches on this species,such as population genetics and QTL fine-mapping,need a large number of molecular markers.In this study,based on the expressed sequence tags(EST),a total of 300 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) were selected and validated using high resolution melting(HRM) technology with unlabeled probe.Of them,101(33.7%) were found to be polymorphic in 48 individuals from 4 populations.Further evaluation with 48 individuals from Qingdao population showed that all the polymorphic loci had two alleles with the minor allele frequency ranged from 0.046 to 0.500.The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.000 to 0.925 and from 0.089 to 0.505,respectively.Fifteen loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and significant linkage disequilibrate was detected in one pair of markers.BLASTx gave significant hits for 72 of the 101 polymorphic SNP-containing ESTs.Thirty four polymorphic SNP loci were predicted to be non-synonymous substitutions as they caused either the change of codons(33 SNPs) or pretermination of translation(1 SNP).The markers developed can be used for the population studies and genetic improvement on Zhikong scallop. Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) is an important maricultured species in China. Many researches on this species, such as population genetics and QTL fine-mapping, need a large number of molecular markers. In this study, based on the expressed sequence tags ), a total of 300 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected and validated using high resolution melting (HRM) technology with unlabeled probe. Of them, 101 (33.7%) were found to be polymorphic in 48 individuals from 4 populations.Further evaluation with 48 individuals from Qingdao population showed that all the polymorphic loci had two alleles with the minor allele frequency range from 0.046 to 0.500. observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.000 to 0.925 and from 0.089 to 0.505, respectively. Fifteen loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and significant linkage disequilibrate was detected in one pair of markers. BLASTx gave significant hits for 72 of the 101 polymorphic SNP-containing ES Ts.Thirty four polymorphic SNP loci were predicted to be non-synonymous substitutions as they caused either the change of codons (33 SNPs) or pretermination of translation (1 SNP). The markers developed can be used for the population studies and genetic improvement on Zhikong scallop.
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