目的 选择雅培公司的异丙酚应用于人工流产术 ,以观察其临床效果及对呼吸循环功能影响。方法 选择 80 0例ASAI~ 11级、妊娠 1~ 3月、年龄 2 0~ 30岁的自愿接受全麻下人工流产病人。用异丙酚全麻行人流操作 ;采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)对发生下腹痛 (宫缩痛 )者进行疼痛程度评估。结果 本组病人麻醉效果达优级者 6 12例 (76 5 % ) ,良级者 176例(2 2 % ) ,有 12例 (1 5 % )因身体过于肥胖麻醉效果为差级 ,追加 1mg/kg后方完成手术。结论 雅培公司所产异丙酚用于人工流产镇痛时具有起效快、麻醉效果优、术中呼吸循环功能稳定、术毕清醒程度高、并发症少及病人满意率高等优点
Objective To select the Abbott propofol used in artificial abortion to observe its clinical effect and its effects on respiratory function. Methods A total of 80 0 ASAI patients, 11 to 3 months pregnant and 20 to 30 years old, were randomly assigned to receive induced abortion under general anesthesia. Anesthesia with propofol, pedestrian flow operation; using visual analogue scale (VAS) to assess the degree of pain occurred in patients with lower abdominal pain (uterine pain). Results In this group, 62 patients (76.5%) had excellent anesthesia, 176 (22%) had good anesthesia, 12 patients (15%) had poor anesthesia effect due to overweight and 1mg / kg rear to complete the operation. Conclusion Propofol produced by Abbott Laboratories has the advantages of rapid onset of anesthesia, excellent anesthetic effect, stable respiratory circulation during operation, high degree of postoperative arousal, fewer complications and higher patient satisfaction rate