A Rose of Sympathy:On the Source of Emily’s Tragedy

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  【Abstract】This paper is a discussion on William Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily”. It focuses on the reasons why Emily changes from a lady into a devil. By relating the story to its historical and social context, the paper finds that Emily’s tragic life is not due to her morbidity, but to the traditional culture and values of the American South in the transitional Southern society of post-Civil War decades. What she deserves is a rose of sympathy and understanding.
  【Key words】Emily; Tragedy; Source; Sympathy
  William Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily” narrates the tragedy of Emily Grierson, a descendant of a decayed aristocratic family in the American South. She poisoned her lover in her own house and after that she secluded herself from the outside world and lived in loneliness in her house. What is more terrifying is that she had slept with the corpse of her lover for forty years until her death. Although Emily turns from a lady into a horrible old spinster, “a rose”, as is said in the title of the story, is presented to her. A rose is a token of beautiful things, and in this paper, it is interpreted as one of sympathy for Emily. By relating the story to its historical and social context, the paper finds that Emily is actually a victim of the traditional culture and values of the American South in the transitional Southern society of post-Civil War decades, such as the patriarchal institution, Puritan morality, aristocracy, and Southerners’ nostalgic psychology.
  The story is set in Jefferson, a typical town of the American South, in the post-Civil War era of 1890s-1930s. At that time the patriarchal ideology was still a powerful and deep-rooted tradition in the South, due to the profound influence of Puritan morality and the dominant slavery plantation economy before. The then Puritanism was noted for its intolerance, bigotry and sexual discrimination. A lot of stories and remarks in the Bible instruct women to submit to men, so they were used intentionally by the Puritans to ingrain the subordinate position of the female in social ideology. Besides, female chastity was reckoned extremely important. In other words, “a woman’s value lay in her chastity.” White women in the upper class were even held to be saints or angels, yet under these halos they greatly suffered. At the same time, the traditional plantation economy in the South was self-sufficient and family-centered, in which the father of a family was endowed with absolute authority, so female position in family was very low. Although the plantation economy had declined, the old values and concepts were still influential.   Emily is a poor victim of these traditions. As the descendant of a decayed aristocratic family, she grew up under the absolute control of her tyrannical father, Mr. Grierson, who was a resolute guardian of the traditional codes of Southern aristocracy. Mr. Grierson held his family too high and thought that none of the young men in town was good enough for his daughter, so Miss Emily remained single though she was thirty. An impressive tableau is depicted in the story by people in the town:“Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door.” Emily as a tragic figure victimized by the patriarchal institution is vividly shown in the tableau. Mr. Grierson drove away all the young men, isolating Emily from the society, and probably moralizing on the right way for Emily to think and behave;while Miss Emily stood in the shadow of her father’s, following his instruction submissively. Her dress in white implied her innocence as well as ignorance about the outside world. When Mr. Grierson died, Emily was left not only alone and poor, but totally unprepared to handle her relationship with other people as well. The old Grierson’s obsession with past aristocratic glories robbed his daughter of the happiness she should have had. Poor Emily, scared and lost, refused to accept her father’s death, and “we believed she had to do that… [As] with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will.”
  Mr. Grierson’s death ought to give Emily a chance to free from the rigid codes of the old aristocracy and enable her to pursue happiness. However, the situation for Emily was not that simple. Even without her father’s control, she was still not able to pursue happiness, and this time due to the strong nostalgic psychology of the townspeople in Jefferson. After the Civil War, the industrial and commercial civilization of northern America invaded the American south, devastating its traditions and culture:slavery was abolished, the plantation economy and the aristocratic families were declining, old morals and value systems were breaking down, and the traditional way of life was disappearing. Southerners greatly suffered from this historical transition. They were nostalgic for the past lifestyle and achievements of the South. Emily unfortunately to became the victim of their nostalgia.   When Miss Emily fell in love for the first time in her life with a northern foreman called Homer Barron, and tried to defy all the codes imposed on her to protect their relationship in the hope of marrying him, whispers began to fly over the whole town. Ladies all said, “Of course Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer.” Older people said, “…even grief could not cause a real lady to forget noblesse oblige.” We can see that it was the townspeople who kept playing the role of the guardian of decayed Southern traditions. According to people’s whispers, “Homer himself had remarked - he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks’ Club - that he was not a marrying man.”This actually was whisper, no one knew for sure whether Homer was a gay or not. However, for poor Emily, this was the last straw. In great fear of losing her love, Emily went to extremes of poisoning her lover. Ever since then she has locked herself and the corpse of her lover in the decaying house and slept with the corpse for forty years. In this way Emily preserved her love until her death. Her brave rebellious act against the old values and pursuit of love thus failed because tradition was too powerful, and this turned her into a devil.
  Emily’s behavior sounds horrifying at first impression, yet if we put her against the then social and historical background, we will gain a new understanding of her and find her worthy of sympathy. Instead of being an old morbid spinster, she is a tragic victim of the decayed traditions of the South. She suffered greatly from her tragic life, so even William Faulkner himself presented a rose to her to show his sympathy and understanding.
  [2]Faulkner,William.A Rose for Emily[M].Logan,IA:Perfection Learning Press,1990.
  作者简介:高雅(1988-),女,汉族,硕士研究生, 研究方向:欧洲研究。
【摘要】对英语师范专业学生学习状况进行分析,认识到学生教研意识与态度取向研究的价值,旨在通过师范专业学生能力的提升,实现课程教学方法的创新,展现课程教学的价值性,并为英语师范专业学生教研意识的提升提供支持,满足现代人才培养需求。  【关键词】 英语师范专业;学生;教研意识;态度取向  【作者简介】刘忠喜(1979-),男,汉族,吉林长岭人,海南师范大学外国语学院副教授,硕士研究生,硕士研究生,硕士
【摘要】词汇是语言的构建材料,是语音、词汇、语法语言三大要素重要组成部分,在高中英语教学中,词汇教学是基础,语法无论学得多么好,没有词汇来表达各种意义,语言交际就难以实现。因为学生对英语词汇的记忆效率和利用效率是建立在认识和理解词汇意思的基础上的,所以死记硬背的方法是机械式方法,词汇教学需要一定的策略引导和帮助才可以达到最佳效果。  【关键词】情景教学;策略;词汇  【作者简介】戴文建(1974-
【摘要】随着合作理念在教育中的逐渐推广,合作学习已被广泛应用于教学实践中,通过合作学习不仅能让学生充分掌握学科知识,更重要的是培养其良好的团队协作能力。但是在教学实践的过程中也存在成员分配不合理、学生合作意识差、合作技能欠缺等问题,这些问题将使得合作学习的教学模式不能完全达到教师预期的效果。本文以这三点问题为出发点,探索如何在小学英语教学中优化小组合作学习的策略。  【关键词】小学英语;合租学习;
【摘要】高中英语口语学习一直是困扰广大高中生的一大难题,越来越受到师生、家长的关注与重视,针对这种情况,本文认为应该将英语课前演讲应用于口语学习,全面提高口语学习质量与学生口语水平。因此,有必要深入探讨高中英语课前演讲对于提升口语的作用。  【关键词】高中英语;课前演讲;口语;作用  【作者简介】李佩泽,陕西省西安中学。  引言  随着社会的进步与发展,对高中生英语口语水平的要求不断提高,培养学生
【摘要】艺术类大学生在客观和主观方面都有其突出的特点,但英语学习的效果不够理想。为提高英语教学的有效性,本文试以课堂导入为切入点,将学生特点和英语教学实践相结合,通过探索与思考,讨论了课堂导入的新思路及需注意的问题。  【关键词】艺术类大学生;英语教学;课堂导入  【作者简介】杨婧,重庆师范大学硕士研究生,重庆文化艺术职业学院,主要研究方向为英语教学。  课堂导入是教学的起始环节。精心设计的导入可
【摘要】“产出导向法”(production-oriented approach,简称POA)这一理论的提出是为了提升大学英语教学质量。本文通过构建在线学习与传统课堂教学结合的混合式大学英语教学模式,证明了这一教学方法的可行性。结论证明,产出导向法对于正在进行大学英语教学改革的独立学院来说,是一个必不可少的途径。  【关键词】POA(Production-oriented approach);教学
【摘要】语言的学习始于模仿,无论是口语还是书面语概莫能外。高中英语写作是高中生英语学习的一大难点,影响学生书面交流,制约学生英语学习成绩的提高。如何才能有效的提高写作技能突破写作瓶颈?模仿写作应用而生。从词汇句型的模仿到篇章结构的模仿,犹如学生写作初期的灯塔,促进高中生英语写作实效性的提升。  【关键词】高中英语写作;模仿;写作技能  【作者簡介】杨元春,陕西师范大学平凉实验中学。  当前,我国处
【摘要】冠词作为英语中的高频虚词,其正确使用常常是判断二语学习者英语水平高低的标尺。本研究聚焦不定冠词后接名词的用法,选取COLSEC的语料进行描述性分析和语言因素的多变量分析。结果表明,学生在习得不定冠词语法规则时,缺少足够的敏感性,句型、句长、修饰语类型对不定冠词的使用具有显著的影响,易出错的搭配词的首字母发音集中在/e/和/i/两种元音上。  【关键词】不定冠词;二语习得;语料库研究  【作
从语言的学习规律来看,语言学习总是从听开始,因此,在听、说、读、写这四项技能中,听排在首位,以听入手正是遵循语言学习的最基本规律。明确听力当中潜在的障碍有助于我们学生在听力理解中扫清障碍,掌握技巧,从而改进英语学习。  第一步:明确障碍。  1.语音障碍。对我们非母语环境的英语学习者来说,对单词的读音、重音、句子间词与词连读、句子的语音语调等掌握不好,就会导致不能准确理解听力材料,不能辨别一些易混
【摘要】英语是高中课程体系的重点,学好英语不仅是应对高考的关键,也是提高学生跨文化交流素质的重要途径。在课程改革的背景下,英语教师逐渐打破传统灌输式英语教学方式的局限,引入语块教学方法,让学生的英语学习更加科学有效。本文从语块教学的基本内容出发,结合实际对语块教学的應用价值以及应用策略进行分析,以期对推动英语教学方法的创新提供借鉴。  【关键词】语块教学;高中英语;应用价值;应用策略  【作者简介