5月~11月,中科院武汉植物园联合花木盆景杂志社将举办首届“中华菊韵”斗菊擂台赛(详见本期封二、扉页的相关活动公告)。为让读者更好的了解中华菊文化历史,普及菊花栽培技艺,提高国民识菊、品菊、种菊热情,从本期起,本刊新辟“中华菊韵”专栏,主要涉及菊花品种、栽培知识、造型技艺、文化等内容。欢迎广大花友撰写菊花相关题材的稿件,投稿邮箱:[email protected]。
From May to November, the joint flowerpot bonsai magazine of Wuhan Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences will hold the first “Chinese Juju” “Juju Challenge Cup” (for details, please refer to the Announcement of Related Events in this issue, cover page and title page). In order to let readers better understand the cultural history of middle-chrysanthemum and popularize the cultivation techniques of chrysanthemums and raise the enthusiasm of the people of chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums and chrysanthemums, from this issue, Variety, cultivation knowledge, modeling skills, culture and other content. Welcome to write the majority of flower related articles chrysanthemum articles, submission E-mail: [email protected].