“截留”与“截流”两个读音相同的词,常被混甩造成错误。笔者审稿时,常见有文稿写出“截流资金”、“截流利润”的错误句子。《新民晚报》头版头条新闻的标题曾有“下放权利不截流”之误,也是明显的例证。 其实,稍加分辨即可知道上述两词的不同含义。“截留”一词强调拦阻、阻止的动作,《辞海》释为“把应解送他处的款项或物件留下”。“截流”则是常见的水利工程用语,意即在水道中阻止水流。由此可见,
The words “interception” and “interception” are the same as the two pronunciations, and they are often mixed and mistaken. When the author reviewers, there are common articles written “cut-off funds”, “cut-off profits,” the wrong sentence. The title of the headline headline of the Xinmin Evening News once again had the obvious error of “not diverting rights from closure”. In fact, you can know the different meanings of these two words with a bit of resolution. The term “interception” emphasizes the action of blocking and blocking, and “Cihai” is interpreted as “leaving money or objects that should be sent to other places”. “Closure” is a common term of hydraulic engineering, meaning water flow in the waterway. Thus,