To control the growth of space debris in the geostationary earth orbit(GEO), a novel solution of net capture and tether-tugging reorbiting is proposed. After capture, the tug(i.e., active spacecraft), tether, net, and target(i.e., GEO debris) constitute a rigid-flexible coupled tethered combination system(TCS), and subsequently the system is transported to the graveyard orbit by a thruster equipped on the tug. This paper attempts to study the dynamics of tether-tugging reorbiting after net capture. The net is equivalent to four flexible bridles, and the tug and target are viewed as rigid bodies. A sophisticated mathematical model is developed, taking into account the system orbital motion, relative motion of two spacecraft and spacecraft attitude motion. Given the complexity of the model, the numerical method is adopted to study the system dynamics characteristics. Particular attention is given to the investigation of the possible risks such as tether slack, spacecraft collision, tether rupture, tether-tug intertwist and destabilizing of the tug’s attitude. The influence of the initial conditions and the magnitudes of the thrust are studied.
To control the growth of space debris in the geostationary earth orbit (GEO), a novel solution of net capture and tether-tugging reorbiting is proposed. After capture, the tug (ie, active spacecraft), tether, net, and target , GEO debris) a rigid-flexible coupled tethered combination system (TCS), and followed the system is transferred to the graveyard orbit by a thruster equipped on the tug. This paper attempts to study the dynamics of tether-tugging reorbiting after net capture A sophisticated mathematical model is developed, taking into account the system orbital motion, relative motion of two spacecraft and spacecraft attitude motion. Given the complexity of the model, the numerical method is adopted to study the system dynamics characteristics. r rupture, tether-tug intertwist and destabilizing of the tug’s attitude. The influence of the initial conditions and the magnitudes of the thrust are studied.