对于学生尤其是小学生来说,兴趣是产生学习动力的源泉,而我们所说的课堂充氧环节Oxygen-rich link正是提高学生英语兴趣的重要途径。良好的开端是成功的一半,我们的每一节课,也是如此。同样一堂课,如果以丰富多彩的活动开始,调动起学生的学习积极性,让学生以轻松愉悦的状态进行课堂学习,会有事半功倍的效果。怎样通过Oxy-
For students, especially elementary school students, interest is a source of motivation for learning, and what we call the Oxygen-rich link is an important way to improve students’ interest in English. A good start is half the battle, and every lesson of ours is the same. In the same lesson, if you begin with a variety of activities, mobilize your students’ motivation to learn and let them learn in a relaxed and joyful manner. This will have a multiplier effect. How to pass Oxy-