Change is the only constant

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  “Who moved my cheese” is a fable written by American writer Spencer Johnson. The book is about 4 “roles”—two little mice “sniff”, “Hurriedly” and two dwarfs “hum”, “ham”. They live in a maze, cheese is what they want to pursue. The article centers around the "cheese" obtain, possession, lost, different people have different state of mind, resulting in very different strategy.
  This article uses an anthropomorphic approach to describe the different attitudes of the four protagonists towards cheese, which is a good fable. There are many classic statements in the article, is to be able to guide our life and study, inspired by our thoughts, let us become more intelligent.
  In the book of the two little mice “sniff”, “Hurriedly”; and the two dwarfs “hum”, “ham” and the life of a maze, cheese is what they want to pursue. One day, they also discovered a vast store of cheese will build cottages in the surrounding, lived a happy life. After a long time one day, the cheese suddenly disappeared, and the sudden changes to their mentality exposed. “Sniff”, “Hurriedly” hurriedly follow the change, immediately put on always hanging around the neck of the shoes, began to go out again to find, and soon found a fresh and rich cheese; “hum”, In the face of change is shilly-shally ham, rising trouble, always stick to the recall and complaining have disappeared in a beautiful illusion, unable to accept the harsh reality of cheese has disappeared. After a fierce ideological struggle, he finally breaks the shackles of thinking, put on for a long time idle running shoes, back into the dark maze, and eventually find more and better cheese, “Hum” is still in the sky and being unhappy.
  1. Use good way to learn, to learn English more easily.
  The content of this article is short with the text of 90 pages and the vocabulary is limited, which is suitable for middle school students to take it as the extracurricular books to read. To learn English well must cultivate interest in it, so as to establish confidence. “Interest is the best teacher” this sentence in English is as sure as a gun. I personally think that interest is the motivation of students’ interest in learning English more, the study enthusiasm is higher, the learning effect would be the better, if the students can learn the English culture into an interest, become a student needs to learn English, you can from the original state “to study” into “I want to learn” state, Gradually develop the habit of autonomous learning.   Due to the lack of vocabulary and reading, Chinese learning English often rely on rote, writing a set of templates. This learning method is very tiring, the effect is not good. We can read some difficulty lower English version of the article, the article in a good sentence copied, after replacing some words, can put these good word to use our own usually in English writing.
  For example: This is a classic statement, “having cheese makes you happy.” then we can put down the sentence, at the time of writing, I put the cheese a word for money, it becomes a “possession of money makes you happy.”
  For example, another classic statement, “smell the cheese, you will know what time it start to deteriorate.” I can put this sentence into a “smell of your food, you will know what time it start to deteriorate.”
  2. Learning English can make people understand life philosophy.
  In a word, learning English is a process of accumulation of vocabulary and sentences, when your words and sentences when accumulated to enough, you are reading and writing when they can reach the capability of the state.
  “Who moved my cheese”, this book is different from other novels. The author uses the fable to express the theory. First of all, we see “who moved my cheese” this sentence, this sentence reflects the relationship between objective reality and people changing pursuit, namely environmental changes will inevitably lead to the change of the people to pursue, is changing people’s values with social existence and change. When the external environment change, the pursuit of changes, just “who moved my cheese”, rather than “lost” to cheese, which leads to new pursuit. In the book “who moved to reflect the changes in the environment”, with cheese to represent human pursuit, the profound theory popularization can be accepted by the public.
  Four small things in the book also reflect the essence of humanity. “Sniff, on behalf of our feeling; “Hurriedly ", indicating our actions and practices; “Haw”, on behalf of our initiative; and “hum”, on behalf of our heart closed, conservative, backward side.
  3. Be Brave in the face of change, your life will be more wonderful.
  In fact, for any one person, in life and learning will appear too much change, change at any time, everywhere, whether we fear the advent of change, change will happen. If we are able to adjust their mentality to adapt to the changes, you can do the work and study in ease. As long as we are able to seriously deal with the fear of science, so that we can change the attitude changes, seize the opportunity to become the lucky!
  Works Cited
  [1] Liu Xiaozhong. To adapt to changes in order to survive, “Who moved my cheese”[J]. Heilongjiang finance, 2005.
  [2] Zhou Heyi. Don’t be “inertia” sacrifice products, feelings of “who moved my cheese?”[J]. Beijing business administration, 2002(04).
1. 现状分析  写作教学是高中英语一个重要教学内容,但存在严重问题,如:学生缺乏写作兴趣和写作动机,在词汇、语法、写作内容等方面存在较大困难。写作教学也是令许多教师感觉黔驴技穷的教学难点。很多教师总结出所谓的“写作模板”,让学生去背,然后想当然希望在考试中能“押题”。因为不对学生的写作基础做任何的强化,虽然背诵或者默写过了几篇范文,但行文由于基础差,训练少而错误成片。有些教师认为写作是水到渠成的
英语的阅读能力很重要。一般来说,英语教学包括词汇教学、语法教学、阅读教学及写作。其中阅读教学占比例最重。阅读教学不仅仅应关注阅读的文本,更应关注读前的铺垫,读中的引导及读后的升华和提升,正如标题所说的那样——汝果欲学诗,功夫在诗外。所有的阅读都是一个积极的思考、反思解决问题的过程。我们不能仅仅是抓住一些简单的词汇和关注文本中的观点,更应关注阅读教学中的策略,而这一切都始于示范。  学而不思则罔,
在进行英语阅读教学过程中,教师其实可以将写作与阅读一起进行讲解,长期以来很多教师往往喜欢将二者分开进行讲授,其实在讲授阅读过程中,教师完全可以兼顾写作的相关内容,一般来说教师只要找到两者的结合点,学生阅读和写作能力会同时得到很大的提升,真正达到事半功倍的效果。  1. 解释陌生单词提高描述能力  首先对于很多英语阅读来说难免会遇到生词,遇到生词怎么办一直是很多教师和学生共同探讨的一个话题。有的认为
初中英语学习是学生系统化学习的开端,在这个阶段的初中生对英语学习未形成系统定性的概念。这时是学生学习英语的最关键也是学生打好基础的最关键的一个时期。初中英语教师在教学过程中,为更好的培养学生学好英语,将教学重点放在培养学生的听说能力上。在英语学习中,英语是先从听和说的能力为基石而展开的。不得不说,英语学习的过程中,与培养学生的听说能力是分不开的。  1. 培养学生听说能力的重要性  1.1听说是学
听是其他语言能力的基础,是学生四项语言能力之一。学生只有具备了较强的英语听力的理解和运用能力,才能较好地掌握英语知识,以及将这门语言运用于实际生活中。  在高中听力教学中,英语教师不仅应提供给学生多练习听的机会,更为重要的是,要给予学生听力策略和方法方面的训练和指导。但是,在实际听力教学过程中,教师常常忽略对学生进行听的过程性指导,教学弊端诸多,数据表明本区的听力教学效果也差强人意,教师应该如何提
人文意识包含个人观念、自由观念、人本观念,是民族精神的重要构成部分。英语属于人文学科,是高中教育体系的重要组成部分;同时也是实施人文意识渗透的重要载体。高中学生正处于“三观”形成的重要阶段。在英语教学中培养学生的人文精神,能有效帮助学生构建正确的“三观”,满足学生的心理需求。本文对此做了分析。  1. 氛围营造  教学气氛是影响教学活动成效的重要因素之一,营造轻松、愉悦的教学氛围,创建民主、自由的
英文书面表达是英语教学的重要组成部分, 对于学生的学习和发展具有重要意义,同时也是历年以来高考英语的重头戏,占总分的17%。 它着重考查学生运用所学的语言知识和技能来表达思想进行交际的能力,以书面的形式进行信息沟通,再现生活经历,描述周围事物,发表意见和观点。它关注的是考生英语学习的能力,看考生作文是否切题,是否涵盖了提示要点的全部内容,而无需语文作文的高角度与高视角。 英文写作的教育教学对学生学