安阳市地处河南省最北部,面积7 413 km2,地势西高东低,呈阶梯状。以京广线为界,中东部为平原区,西部为丘陵山区,属北暖温带大陆季风气候,四季分明,气候温和,干湿季节明显,光热资源比较充足,土质良好,土层深厚。全市总耕地面积615万亩,小麦常年种植面积460万亩。2013年9月中旬至麦播期间安阳市无有效降雨,土壤墒情严重不足,对小麦播种造成不利影响。鉴于无降雨、土壤墒情不足等问题,市农技站把抗旱种麦、足墒播种作为麦播的关键技术,科学制订技术方案,确保了麦播的顺利进行。1早茬地块9月底之前腾茬地块在安阳市属于早茬,早茬
Anyang City is located in the most northern part of Henan Province, an area of 7 413 km2, the terrain west high low east, was staircase. The Beijing-Guangzhou line as the boundary, the eastern part of the plain area, the western hilly area, is the northern warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four seasons, mild climate, wet and dry season is obvious, adequate light and heat resources, soil quality, deep soil. The city’s total area of 6150000 acres of arable land, perennial wheat planting area of 4600000 acres. There was no effective rainfall in Anyang City from mid-September 2013 to the sowing date, and soil moisture was seriously insufficient, adversely affecting the sowing of wheat. In view of the lack of rainfall, lack of soil moisture and other issues, the city of agricultural stations to drought-resistant wheat, enough moisture sowing as the key technology of wheat sowing, scientific development of technical programs to ensure the success of the wheat sow. 1 stubble plots before the end of September before the stubble plots in Anyang City is early crop, stubble