摘 要:大量研究结果表明自噬与肿瘤的发生,发展以及治疗具有十分密切的联系。通过对自噬作用的研究,能够进一步揭示肿瘤发生和发展的机制,为癌症的预防和治疗提供思路。
Abstract: Many researchers have demonstrated that autophagy plays important roles in tumorigenesis, tumor progression, and treatment. The mechanism of tumorigenesis and development could be further revealed by studying on the role of autophagy, and which would provide a new way for prevent and treatment of cancer.
Keywords: Autophagy; Cancer; Lysosome
根据细胞将底物送入溶酶体(液泡)中的方式不同,广义的自噬作用可分为三大类型:a. 大自噬(macroautophagy),即狭义自噬,残损的细胞器、蛋白质等底物被具有双层膜结构的小泡包裹,形成自噬小体后,自噬小体与溶酶体(液泡)膜融合,使得底物进入溶酶体而发生降解;b. 小自噬(microautophagy),溶酶体(液泡)膜可直接包裹某些长寿命蛋白,使其进入溶酶体(液泡)内部发生降解;c. 分子伴侣介导自噬(chaperone-mediated autophagy),蛋白与分子伴侣结合后,由分子伴侣协助转运至溶酶体(液泡)腔内进行降解[3]。本文中所指自噬,如无其他说明,皆为大自噬(macroautophagy)。
自噬作用的发生涉及多种蛋白间的相互作用,目前已鉴定出的自噬相关基因(autophagy- related protein, Atg)已有三十余种[4],这些蛋白从不同层面上对自噬作用的发生进行调控:UNC-51激酶、Atg13和黏着斑家族相互作用蛋白FIP200组成化合物后可促进自噬小体膜的形成;PI3K, P150和酵母Atg6同源基因Beclin1组成复合物参与自噬小体成核过程;Atg5, Atg12和Atg16等相互作用诱导自噬发生[5, 6]。
研究表明,哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR)是参与自噬调控的最关键的信号之一,处于各种信号通路的中心位置[7]。mTOR是一个丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,受到营养、能量、生长因子,以及各种上有信号如class1 PI3K、MAPK等的调控,发挥抑制自噬发生的作用[8]。
肿瘤发生是一个复杂的生物学过程,而恶性肿瘤是最早被发现与自噬有关的疾病之一。自噬在肿瘤发生发展的不同阶段有着不同的影响。在肿瘤发生前期,自噬作用可以对抗细胞内出现的异常生理过程,从而发挥抗肿瘤作用,敲除Atgs的小鼠普遍存在着极高的自发性肿瘤的发病率 [9] 。当敲除Atg7后,小鼠肝脏中出现大量的脂肪异常沉积,而通过一定剂量乙醇处理后,可以通过提高肝脏细胞的自噬水平而消除这些脂肪沉积[10, 11]。在对Baclin1基因缺失小鼠的研究中发现,与野生型小鼠相比,基因缺失小鼠更易自发性地发生白血病,肺癌,淋巴瘤,肝癌等恶性肿瘤[12]。
尽管有部分数据表明,自噬对肿瘤的发展起促进的作用,但依然有大量研究结果证实,诱发自噬可以促使肿瘤细胞走向死亡。肿瘤免疫学理论认为,在肿瘤发生过程中,T细胞未能及时识别肿瘤表面的异常抗原是导致肿瘤细胞逃离机体免疫监督的原因之一。肿瘤免疫学基于此提出了全新的治疗理念,即诱发肿瘤细胞特异性免疫反应,促使机体免疫系统识别肿瘤细胞并对其进行攻击[20]。某些细胞因子,如IFN-γ等已被证实与肿瘤的免疫应答密切相关,INF-γ可通过诱导细胞发生自噬而进一步诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡。在人肝细胞肝癌研究中发现,敲除Beclin-1或Atg 5后,肝癌细胞中的IFN-γ表达量显著降低,从而证实了自噬作用可通过诱发肿瘤细胞的免疫应答而发挥抑癌作用[21, 22]。在进行放射治疗时,Altmeyer等发现[20] ,用快中子照射人肝癌细胞系SK-Hep-1,可促使细胞发生过度自噬而死亡。
1. Mizushima, N. and D.J. Klionsky, Protein turnover via autophagy: implications for metabolism*. Annu. Rev. Nutr., 2007. 27: p. 19-40.
2. 刘捷, et al., 靶向肿瘤细胞自噬通路的植物天然产物研究进展. 国际药学研究杂志, 2013. 40(6): p. 688-694.
3. 李晓婷 and 张晓鹏, 细胞自噬在肿瘤发生, 转移与治疗中的作用. 当代医学, 2011. 17(9): p. 13-14.
4. Maycotte, P. and A. Thorburn, Autophagy and cancer therapy. Cancer Biol Ther, 2011. 11(2): p. 127-137.
5. Mizushima, N. and M. Komatsu, Autophagy: renovation of cells and tissues. Cell, 2011. 147(4): p. 728-741.
6. 李国东, 吴德全, and 李本义, 细胞自噬在肿瘤中作用的研究进展. 癌症, 2009. 28(4): p. 445-448.
7. Jung, C.H., et al., mTOR regulation of autophagy. FEBS letters, 2010. 584(7): p. 1287-1295.
8. Sarbassov, d.D., S.M. Ali, and D.M. Sabatini, Growing roles for the mTOR pathway. Current opinion in cell biology, 2005. 17(6): p. 596-603.
9. Liang, C. and J.U. Jung, Autophagy genes as tumor suppressors. Current opinion in cell biology, 2010. 22(2): p. 226-233.
10. Singh, R., et al., Autophagy regulates lipid metabolism. Nature, 2009. 458(7242): p. 1131-1135.
11. Ding, W.-X., M. Li, and X.-M. Yin, Selective taste of ethanol-induced autophagy for mitochondria and lipid droplets. Autophagy, 2011. 7(2): p. 248-249.
12. Qu, X., et al., Promotion of tumorigenesis by heterozygous disruption of the beclin 1 autophagy gene. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2003. 112(12): p. 1809-1820.
13. Bellot, G., et al., Hypoxia-induced autophagy is mediated through hypoxia-inducible factor induction of BNIP3 and BNIP3L via their BH3 domains. Molecular and cellular biology, 2009. 29(10): p. 2570-2581.
14. Fang, H., et al., Dual role of chloroquine in liver ischemia reperfusion injury: reduction of liver damage in early phase, but aggravation in late phase. Cell death & disease, 2013. 4(6): p. e694.
15. Anbalagan, S., et al., Radiosensitization of renal cell carcinoma< i> in vitro through the induction of autophagy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2012. 103(3): p. 388-393.
16. Cerniglia, G.J., et al., Inhibition of autophagy as a strategy to augment radiosensitization by the dual phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor NVP-BEZ235. Molecular pharmacology, 2012. 82(6): p. 1230-1240.
17. Bristol, M.L., et al., Dual functions of autophagy in the response of breast tumor cells to radiation: cytoprotective autophagy with radiation alone and cytotoxic autophagy in radiosensitization by vitamin D3. Autophagy, 2012. 8(5): p. 739.
18. Degenhardt, K., et al., Autophagy promotes tumor cell survival and restricts necrosis, inflammation, and tumorigenesis. Cancer cell, 2006. 10(1): p. 51-64.
19. Pavlides, S., et al., The autophagic tumor stroma model of cancer: Role of oxidative stress and ketone production in fueling tumor cell metabolism. Cell Cycle, 2010. 9(17): p. 3485.
20. Altmeyer, A., et al., Pharmacological enhancement of autophagy induced in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line by high-LET radiation. Anticancer research, 2010. 30(2): p. 303-310.
21. Liang, X., et al., Inhibiting systemic autophagy during interleukin 2 immunotherapy promotes long-term tumor regression. Cancer research, 2012. 72(11): p. 2791-2801.
22. Li, P., et al., Interferon-gamma induces autophagy with growth inhibition and cell death in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells through interferon-regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1). Cancer letters, 2012. 314(2): p. 213-222.
23. Shimizu, S., et al., Role of Bcl-2 family proteins in a non-apoptotic programmed cell death dependent on autophagy genes. Nature cell biology, 2004. 6(12): p. 1221-1228.
24. Kim, E.H., et al., Sodium selenite induces superoxide-mediated mitochondrial damage and subsequent autophagic cell death in m alignant glioma cells. Cancer research, 2007. 67(13): p. 6314-6324.
25. Tai,W.,et al., Mcl-1-dependent activation of Beclin 1 mediates autophagic cell death induced by sorafenib and SC-59 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Cell death & disease, 2013. 4(2): p. e485.
26. Kim,J.-H.,etal.,Involvementof mitophagyin oncogenic K-Ras-induced transformation: overcoming a cellular energy deficit from glucose deficiency. Autophagy, 2011. 7(10): p. 1187.
Abstract: Many researchers have demonstrated that autophagy plays important roles in tumorigenesis, tumor progression, and treatment. The mechanism of tumorigenesis and development could be further revealed by studying on the role of autophagy, and which would provide a new way for prevent and treatment of cancer.
Keywords: Autophagy; Cancer; Lysosome
根据细胞将底物送入溶酶体(液泡)中的方式不同,广义的自噬作用可分为三大类型:a. 大自噬(macroautophagy),即狭义自噬,残损的细胞器、蛋白质等底物被具有双层膜结构的小泡包裹,形成自噬小体后,自噬小体与溶酶体(液泡)膜融合,使得底物进入溶酶体而发生降解;b. 小自噬(microautophagy),溶酶体(液泡)膜可直接包裹某些长寿命蛋白,使其进入溶酶体(液泡)内部发生降解;c. 分子伴侣介导自噬(chaperone-mediated autophagy),蛋白与分子伴侣结合后,由分子伴侣协助转运至溶酶体(液泡)腔内进行降解[3]。本文中所指自噬,如无其他说明,皆为大自噬(macroautophagy)。
自噬作用的发生涉及多种蛋白间的相互作用,目前已鉴定出的自噬相关基因(autophagy- related protein, Atg)已有三十余种[4],这些蛋白从不同层面上对自噬作用的发生进行调控:UNC-51激酶、Atg13和黏着斑家族相互作用蛋白FIP200组成化合物后可促进自噬小体膜的形成;PI3K, P150和酵母Atg6同源基因Beclin1组成复合物参与自噬小体成核过程;Atg5, Atg12和Atg16等相互作用诱导自噬发生[5, 6]。
研究表明,哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR)是参与自噬调控的最关键的信号之一,处于各种信号通路的中心位置[7]。mTOR是一个丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,受到营养、能量、生长因子,以及各种上有信号如class1 PI3K、MAPK等的调控,发挥抑制自噬发生的作用[8]。
肿瘤发生是一个复杂的生物学过程,而恶性肿瘤是最早被发现与自噬有关的疾病之一。自噬在肿瘤发生发展的不同阶段有着不同的影响。在肿瘤发生前期,自噬作用可以对抗细胞内出现的异常生理过程,从而发挥抗肿瘤作用,敲除Atgs的小鼠普遍存在着极高的自发性肿瘤的发病率 [9] 。当敲除Atg7后,小鼠肝脏中出现大量的脂肪异常沉积,而通过一定剂量乙醇处理后,可以通过提高肝脏细胞的自噬水平而消除这些脂肪沉积[10, 11]。在对Baclin1基因缺失小鼠的研究中发现,与野生型小鼠相比,基因缺失小鼠更易自发性地发生白血病,肺癌,淋巴瘤,肝癌等恶性肿瘤[12]。
尽管有部分数据表明,自噬对肿瘤的发展起促进的作用,但依然有大量研究结果证实,诱发自噬可以促使肿瘤细胞走向死亡。肿瘤免疫学理论认为,在肿瘤发生过程中,T细胞未能及时识别肿瘤表面的异常抗原是导致肿瘤细胞逃离机体免疫监督的原因之一。肿瘤免疫学基于此提出了全新的治疗理念,即诱发肿瘤细胞特异性免疫反应,促使机体免疫系统识别肿瘤细胞并对其进行攻击[20]。某些细胞因子,如IFN-γ等已被证实与肿瘤的免疫应答密切相关,INF-γ可通过诱导细胞发生自噬而进一步诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡。在人肝细胞肝癌研究中发现,敲除Beclin-1或Atg 5后,肝癌细胞中的IFN-γ表达量显著降低,从而证实了自噬作用可通过诱发肿瘤细胞的免疫应答而发挥抑癌作用[21, 22]。在进行放射治疗时,Altmeyer等发现[20] ,用快中子照射人肝癌细胞系SK-Hep-1,可促使细胞发生过度自噬而死亡。
1. Mizushima, N. and D.J. Klionsky, Protein turnover via autophagy: implications for metabolism*. Annu. Rev. Nutr., 2007. 27: p. 19-40.
2. 刘捷, et al., 靶向肿瘤细胞自噬通路的植物天然产物研究进展. 国际药学研究杂志, 2013. 40(6): p. 688-694.
3. 李晓婷 and 张晓鹏, 细胞自噬在肿瘤发生, 转移与治疗中的作用. 当代医学, 2011. 17(9): p. 13-14.
4. Maycotte, P. and A. Thorburn, Autophagy and cancer therapy. Cancer Biol Ther, 2011. 11(2): p. 127-137.
5. Mizushima, N. and M. Komatsu, Autophagy: renovation of cells and tissues. Cell, 2011. 147(4): p. 728-741.
6. 李国东, 吴德全, and 李本义, 细胞自噬在肿瘤中作用的研究进展. 癌症, 2009. 28(4): p. 445-448.
7. Jung, C.H., et al., mTOR regulation of autophagy. FEBS letters, 2010. 584(7): p. 1287-1295.
8. Sarbassov, d.D., S.M. Ali, and D.M. Sabatini, Growing roles for the mTOR pathway. Current opinion in cell biology, 2005. 17(6): p. 596-603.
9. Liang, C. and J.U. Jung, Autophagy genes as tumor suppressors. Current opinion in cell biology, 2010. 22(2): p. 226-233.
10. Singh, R., et al., Autophagy regulates lipid metabolism. Nature, 2009. 458(7242): p. 1131-1135.
11. Ding, W.-X., M. Li, and X.-M. Yin, Selective taste of ethanol-induced autophagy for mitochondria and lipid droplets. Autophagy, 2011. 7(2): p. 248-249.
12. Qu, X., et al., Promotion of tumorigenesis by heterozygous disruption of the beclin 1 autophagy gene. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2003. 112(12): p. 1809-1820.
13. Bellot, G., et al., Hypoxia-induced autophagy is mediated through hypoxia-inducible factor induction of BNIP3 and BNIP3L via their BH3 domains. Molecular and cellular biology, 2009. 29(10): p. 2570-2581.
14. Fang, H., et al., Dual role of chloroquine in liver ischemia reperfusion injury: reduction of liver damage in early phase, but aggravation in late phase. Cell death & disease, 2013. 4(6): p. e694.
15. Anbalagan, S., et al., Radiosensitization of renal cell carcinoma< i> in vitro through the induction of autophagy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2012. 103(3): p. 388-393.
16. Cerniglia, G.J., et al., Inhibition of autophagy as a strategy to augment radiosensitization by the dual phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor NVP-BEZ235. Molecular pharmacology, 2012. 82(6): p. 1230-1240.
17. Bristol, M.L., et al., Dual functions of autophagy in the response of breast tumor cells to radiation: cytoprotective autophagy with radiation alone and cytotoxic autophagy in radiosensitization by vitamin D3. Autophagy, 2012. 8(5): p. 739.
18. Degenhardt, K., et al., Autophagy promotes tumor cell survival and restricts necrosis, inflammation, and tumorigenesis. Cancer cell, 2006. 10(1): p. 51-64.
19. Pavlides, S., et al., The autophagic tumor stroma model of cancer: Role of oxidative stress and ketone production in fueling tumor cell metabolism. Cell Cycle, 2010. 9(17): p. 3485.
20. Altmeyer, A., et al., Pharmacological enhancement of autophagy induced in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line by high-LET radiation. Anticancer research, 2010. 30(2): p. 303-310.
21. Liang, X., et al., Inhibiting systemic autophagy during interleukin 2 immunotherapy promotes long-term tumor regression. Cancer research, 2012. 72(11): p. 2791-2801.
22. Li, P., et al., Interferon-gamma induces autophagy with growth inhibition and cell death in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells through interferon-regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1). Cancer letters, 2012. 314(2): p. 213-222.
23. Shimizu, S., et al., Role of Bcl-2 family proteins in a non-apoptotic programmed cell death dependent on autophagy genes. Nature cell biology, 2004. 6(12): p. 1221-1228.
24. Kim, E.H., et al., Sodium selenite induces superoxide-mediated mitochondrial damage and subsequent autophagic cell death in m alignant glioma cells. Cancer research, 2007. 67(13): p. 6314-6324.
25. Tai,W.,et al., Mcl-1-dependent activation of Beclin 1 mediates autophagic cell death induced by sorafenib and SC-59 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Cell death & disease, 2013. 4(2): p. e485.
26. Kim,J.-H.,etal.,Involvementof mitophagyin oncogenic K-Ras-induced transformation: overcoming a cellular energy deficit from glucose deficiency. Autophagy, 2011. 7(10): p. 1187.