
来源 :黑龙江教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong463
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随着世界全球化的发展不断深入,各国间的交流和来往越来越频繁和密切。为使得我国的优秀文化得到有效推广,且能够实现汉语向国际有效推广,我国加强了对外汉语教学的研究和实践。对外汉语教学,不只是简单的汉语语言教学,还应当融入丰富的中国文化,在文化视域下进行汉语教学,使得外国学习者能够透过中国文化以更好地实现对汉语的理解,并大大提高学习效率。同时,加强对外汉语教学中文化的输入,还能够大大加强语言文化的传播速度,使得各国间的语言和文化的交流和发展都能够得到极大的促进。基于此,分析文化视域下对外汉语教学的意义,进而阐述当前文化视域下对外汉语教学面临的问题,并提出相应的策略。 With the deepening of the globalization of the world, exchanges and contacts among nations are becoming more frequent and closer. In order to effectively promote the excellent culture of our country and to promote the effective promotion of Chinese to the world, our country has strengthened the study and practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Teaching Chinese as a foreign language is not only a simple teaching of Chinese language, but also involves the enrichment of Chinese culture and the teaching of Chinese from a cultural perspective, enabling foreign learners to better understand Chinese through Chinese culture and greatly Improve learning efficiency. At the same time, strengthening the input of culture in teaching Chinese as a foreign language can also greatly speed up the spread of language and culture, and greatly facilitate the exchange and development of languages ​​and cultures among all countries. Based on this, the author analyzes the significance of teaching Chinese as a foreign language under the cultural perspective, and then elaborates the problems facing the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language under the current cultural perspective and puts forward corresponding strategies.
面对根深蒂固的应试教育、不断倡导的素质教育和形式多样的教学改革,许多高中语文教师无所适从。由此,引发一个问题:高中语文教学要解决什么?我觉得,高中语文教学要解决三个问题:一是让学生学会“四项知识”,二是使学生提高“两种能力”,三是教师应引起“一个重视”。  一、四项知识  高中语文教学应让学生学会四项知识。其一,基础知识,即课文涉及的重点作者、语法、修辞和字词句篇等。只有让学生掌握语文的基础知识,