How Did Our Ancestors Communicate?我们祖先如何交流?

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  The communication from our ancestors was realized through the senses: the sight, the smell, the taste, the touch and the hearing. More than 100,000 years ago, man was physically unable to produce speech sounds. Some scientists think that all human language arose from a common language spoken by our ancestors in Africa. Human language probably began to develop about 100,000 years ago, although scientists disagree on how it arose. Some people think that our ancestors started talking when their brains became big and sophisticated enough. Others think that language evolved slowly, from the gestures and sounds used by our earliest ape ancestors. Although prior to language development, humans could produce vowel sounds, their larynx was not developed enough to generate and control the intricate sounds of speech. Despite the lack of records, scientists assume that their form of communication resembled that of animals. In this sense, they used a limited number of sounds like grunts and shouts to exchange information about the environment. They also communicated with each other through gestures, posture and facial expressions.
  The forms of communication of our ancestors
  Grunts and screams
  Even before they learned to make tools, prehistoric men communicated as do well-developed animals. Thus, the communication of our ancestors included grunts, guttural sounds and shouts. As their larynx was underdeveloped, they were able to make sounds, but they could not construct or utter words. These sounds were mutually understood signs and signs developed by small groups living together. In this way, researchers have come to the conclusion that cave men and women made noises similar to the sounds they heard in nature, such as animal noises, such as noises produced by the swaying trees and the howls of the wind. These were used to communicate feelings, moods and ideas.   Gestures and other body movements
  The gestures are by nature ephemeral and could not be preserved until modern technologies allowed their visual recording. However, it can be assumed that human beings from prehistory had rich repertoires of gestures in their social interactions and in their manipulation of the elements of the environment. Thus, it is only possible to imagine the specific gestures and other bodily movements that they did to communicate feelings and attitudes to each other. The same is true of the forms of visual communication that prevailed during collective hunting, war and the transmission of transformative techniques applied to plants, animals, and mineral materials. That said, this presumption is largely restricted by the range of movements that the human body can perform and by the nature of the objects with which our ancestors interacted.
  Drawings in the caves
  It is estimated that the aboriginal rock paintings of Australia can be about 35,000 years old. Those found in the caves of France and Spain could be about 30,000 years old. Similarly, some discoveries in Africa go back to that time. After the first forms of spoken language, images were one of the first communication tools of our ancestors. Through the images, the first humans developed the ability to communicate over time and over long distances. These images are found all around the planet chiseled, inscribed or painted on rocks.
  Signs of smoke and fire
  Over time, language became more complex as the human brain and the organs of speech evolved. The first groups then developed other forms of communication. One of these involved the use of smoke and fire signals. This occurred particularly among groups that were at some distance.
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