汪永菊(江汉赛区顾问,江汉石油技校校长): 各位领导、各位来宾、同学们!今日,风景宜人,喜气盈门。大家济济一堂,欢歌笑语。这个盛会,开得热烈、活跃。首先,作为东道主,我代表技校向特邀赴会的顾问、各中学校长致以亲切的问候和崇高的敬礼!我们衷心感谢局教育处和各中学校长对“华夏杯”作文大赛这一工作的巨大支持!衷心感谢江汉赛区组委会同志们的辛勤劳动!因为有了你们的因势利导和组织发动,参赛工作才如此广泛而深入,成绩才如此显著,收获才如此丰硕,盛会才开得如此成功。盛会充分展示了我们油田教育的凝聚力、自信
Wang Yongju (Jianghan District Consultant, President of Jianghan Petroleum Technical School): Leaders, distinguished guests, and classmates! Today, the scenery is pleasant and joyous. Everyone gathered together to sing and laugh. This event was a lively and active one. First of all, as the host, on behalf of the technical school, I would like to extend my cordial greetings and lofty salute to the advisors and principals of the various secondary school principals! We sincerely thank the Bureau of Education and various school principals for their work on the “China Cup” composition contest. I am very grateful for the hard work of Comrade Jianghan District Organizing Committee comrades! Thanks to your good situation and organization, the entry work was so extensive and in-depth, the results were so remarkable, and the harvest was so rich that the event was so successful. . The event fully demonstrated the cohesion and confidence of our oilfield education