时下中国的图书出版行业有一种发人深思的现象。去年我国出书品种总数已逾10万大关,书业发展速度之快,规模之宏大都远远超出了一般人的想象。但是,透过这层繁荣而热闹的表象,就可看到潜伏于其中深层次的问题:出版物的雷同、重复比比皆是,二手甚至三手编选的图书充斥了各个角落,而内容精深、大胆新颖的一手创作(撰写)的作品、专著同某些所谓的“短平快” 图书相比实在显得太少了。这种情况在今年2月份举办的第八届首都图书交易会和4月份的全国文艺图书发行集团联合订货会上得到最有力的印证。订
Nowadays China’s book publishing industry has a thought-provoking phenomenon. Last year, the total number of books in our country was over 100,000. The rapid development of the book industry has far exceeded the imagination of most people. However, through this prosperous and lively appearance, we can see the problems lurking in it: the similarities and differences in the publications, the repetitions of the books, the second-hand or even the hand-picked books are full of every corner, Bold and novel works (writing) work, monographs with some of the so-called “short and fast” books compared to seem too little. This situation was most effectively confirmed at the 8th Capital Book Fair held in February this year and the joint bookings of the National Arts Books Distribution Group in April. Set