Embodiment and Function of Body Language in Class Teaching

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  [Abstract] As a form of non-verbal communication, body language is used often among students and teachers in class. and knowing the embodiment of different body language plays a great important role in class teaching.
  [Key words]:non-verbal, the embodiment of body language, function
  I. Introduction
  As we all know, language is a tool of communication. In addition to verbal language, we also use body language to communicate in our daily life. According to Wikipedia,
  …body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals subconsciously.
  Borg attests that human communication consists of 93 percent body language and paralinguistic cues, while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves; however, Albert Mehrabian, the researcher whose 1960s work is the source of these statistics, has stated that this is a misunderstanding of the findings. Others assert that “Research has suggested that between 60 and 70 percent of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior.”
  Body language may provide clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate aggression, attentiveness, boredom, relaxed state, pleasure, amusement, and intoxication, and many other attitudes.
  From the above definition and information, we know the importance of body language in our daily life and study. The more you understand how it works, the better you will understand people. As a college teacher, you can control your class better by reading your students’ body language and you can also improve your teaching quality by using proper body language.
  II. The embodiment of body languages among students
  Class teaching and learning is an interactive process. It involves a strong cooperation between teacher and students. If the teacher can read students’ behavior (body language) and know their concerns or thinking, they can handle the class very well. Careful teachers may notice in class that when students are interested in the topic being taught, they will show attentive body language such as eyes open wide and watching the teacher, less body movement, and ignoring distractions such as people entering and leaving and phone calls. They will
  listen more and gaze at the teacher so they do not miss anything important, not at all like the common cross-talking with their classmates.
  However, sometimes students may play with their pen or fingers or even look far way. When they are asked to stand up to answer questions, they look very tired or sag, they may even keep looking at their watches or the wall clock. All those signs of body language mean they are bored or at least not interested in what you are talking about. If so, teachers may need to change the topic or do some activities to engage the students; thus the class attention (and attendance) will be maintained.
   For new teachers, it is always very helpful to know some of the attitudes students may signal you with using body language. For example, when they know the answer to your question, they look excited, keep staring at you, and even use their facial expressions to let you know they know the answer. So give them a chance. Students who always are busy with their cell phones or writing or sometimes fall asleep during your teaching are actually telling you they are not focused. So teachers can ask them to stand up to answer one question to bring their attention back. Of course there may be more detailed signals sent to you, and paying attention to them will help teachers handle the class.
  III. The embodiment of body languages among teachers
  After teachers know some information about students’ classroom body language, they can also use their body to send some signals in response. Specifically, teachers can use body language to help teach and even use body gestures or facial language to let them know teachers are actually paying attention to their study. Teachers can nod their head to tell them the answer is right, thumb up to praise them, make eye contact to give them more confidence to answer bravely and can even use part of their body to explain when coming across some stories or articles involving actions. The use of body language can avoid the traditional unchangeable teaching method and increase the fun atmosphere of class teaching. Normally the following body languages are taken by teachers:
  (1) Body gesture: Here I mean how the teachers are going to behavior in front of students. As a teacher , they should stand straight in front of class. Do not lean backward or move from left to right to make people feel not serious or even make people feel nervous. Some body gestures need to be paid attention like: When teacher are trying to write something on the blackboard, they turn their whole body to the blackboard leaving the their back and butt towards students. It is really not polite and nice. Always remember turn 45 angle when you want to write on the blackboard therefore students can hear you even you are writing. Teachers should try to avoid putting their hands back together. This will make people feel you are better than them, and it is a not comfortable feeling. The better body gesture will be to lean forward to listen to students if they have questions or answers, otherwise try to stand straight..
  (2) The use of arms and hands: teachers can always use their arms and hands to help to express themselves. They can also use it as a sign to hint students to start or finish or answer a question. Meanwhile in class teaching, hands and arms can also be used to imitate the shape of something like a cat or dog or some other things.
  (3) Facial expression: This is used a lot in class teaching especially when teachers are expressing their feelings like: when they like something they can have a big smile on their face or dislike something they put their tongue out and make long face. Eye contact is part of facial expression too. Teachers should try to glance the whole class from time to time to make every student feel you are paying attention to each one of them. Teachers can also meet their eyes with students’ to convey them confidence and even nod their head to encourage students.
  (4) The lower part of the body: upper body is used more often, compared with lower part of the body. Teachers can use it to express some actions like jump, kick the ball etc. Those are part of the teaching too.
  IVthe function of body language in class teaching
  (1) Body language make teachers handle class easily
  Since we have learned some body language students may show in class. Teachers can take according action to adjust their teaching method to keep students’ attention so that they can learn more in lass. By carful observation teachers can even learn more students’ body language like they may stand looking down when they are asked to answer questions and some may laugh to cover their nervous. If teachers can read those signs, they will feel it is so easy to handle the class.
  (2) Body language helps students to understand teachers easily
  English teaching is a key part of the college education. More and more English teachers organize their classes as English only classes (an “immersion” environment) so that students begin to realize the importance of and experience Communicative English. The Communicative English means that teachers instruct the students and explain questions in English, and students are also required to use only English in the class. Contemporarily, however, many students in vocational schools do not have a strong English basis; and their interest in English may be low. Thus their English speaking and listening abilities are limited. These limitations make it difficult to fully implement Communicative English in the classroom. Depending on the students’ present levels and practical situations, body language can be very helpful and even necessary. For example, when a teacher gives the instruction,“Please stand up,” the students can more easily understand if the teacherpoints to the students and moves her/his hand upward. The students will carry out the order without any problem even if they don't understand all the words. Thus body language can help students better understand teachers.
  (3)Body language makes the class teaching vivid and arouses students’ interest.
  In English language teaching, teachers usually have to explain some language points or difficult words, and if teachers utilize some body language to express the meaning it will make students laugh and remember it deeply. For example, “You can release your nervousness by taking a deep breath and push against the wall.” If teachers can show students how to do it and make them do it well, students will find it is so much more entertaining to learn with action instead of just sitting there. You can also teach sports words like “swimming,” “running,” “jogging,” and “climbing,” by using body language, I am sure students can remember those words easily. Besides doing actions to show students, teachers can also speak or read in different tones, up and down or slow or fast. Students will soon fall in love with this kind of teaching style and with their interests piqued, they will definitely study more and improve more. From the above we can learn that the use of body language in English teaching is necessary and practical. When teaching English in vocational schools, body language is frequently used this way to improve the teaching effect and the students' ability.
  (4). Body language can build up students’ confidence
  In English teaching, there is often a problem with getting students to stand up and express their opinions. They can be very shy and dare not answer because they worry they will be laughed at by their peers if they make a mistake. In those circumstances, teachers can use affirmative body language such as head nods and eye contact to encourage them to talk. They can also create some special action to avoid students’ embarrassment. For some special students, teachers can tell them if they know the answer they raise their left hand, and if they do not know, they can raise their right hand. There are many body language actions teachers can think of to help the weaker students in class. Teachers can also use some eye contact to give them courage. If they answer the question right, teachers can put the thumb up to praise them so that next time they will continue to stand up if they know the answer. If they answer it wrong, teachers can put the hand on their shoulder to pat them to encourage them. These are non-verbal communications of encouragement and the effect will be amazingly good. A simple small action can never be replaced by words. This is the power of physical touch, the power of body language.
  V. Conclusion:
  As a tool of communication, body language plays a powerful role in helping teachers teach and students learn. By knowing different embodiment of body language among students and students, teachers and students can understand and cooperate each other better. Of course there are a lot more of embodiment of body language that we can observe, so that we can better utilize it in teaching and learning. This article has provided you with just a hint. There will be a long way to go in order to learn more embodiment of body language and the use of it in class.
  [1]Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_language
  [3]The use of body language in Middle school, ZhangLei ForeignLanguage DepartmentHankoiu Branch of Huanzhong Universit of Science and Technology
  [4]邢殿普 临沂师范学院外国语学院,运用体态语言,优化英语教学
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